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如何将 powershell 脚本传递给 VM? Escaping \ 似乎不起作用

[英]How do I pass a powershell script to a VM? Escaping \ doesn't seem to work

I am trying to have my terraform script run a powershell script on a VM when it's provisioned.我试图让我的 terraform 脚本在配置时在 VM 上运行 powershell 脚本。 I know it's trying to run but it's erroring out.我知道它正在尝试运行,但它出错了。 I believe it's because the backslash in the file paths.我相信这是因为文件路径中的反斜杠。 I've tried escaping it, by making each single back slash into a double, but then it seems to be passed literally instead of as a simple single backslash, and that is failing too.我已经尝试过 escaping 它,通过将每个单反斜杠变成双反斜杠,但它似乎是按字面意思传递而不是作为简单的单反斜杠传递,这也失败了。

So how do I do it?那么我该怎么做呢? anyone?任何人? thank you much非常感谢

resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "dc" {
  name                 = var.DomainControllerVMName
  virtual_machine_id   = azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.dc.id
  publisher            = "Microsoft.Azure.Extensions"
  type                 = "CustomScript"
  type_handler_version = "2.0"

  settings = jsonencode({
    commandToExecute = "$password = convertto-securestring RkP83Ls4S8wV -asplaintext -force;Install-windowsfeature -name AD-Domain-Services –IncludeManagementTool;Install-ADDSForest -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -DatabasePath C:\windows\NTDS -DomainMode WinThreshold -DomainName mdk.mydomain.com -DomainNetbiosName MDK -ForestMode WinThreshold -InstallDns:$true -SafeModeAdministratorPassword $password -LogPath C:\windows\NTDS -NoRebootOnCompletion:$false -SysvolPath C:\windows\SYSVOL -Force:$true -Confirm:$false"

  tags = {
    environment = "Production"

  depends_on = [azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.dc]

After my validation, the following terraform template is working.经过我的验证,以下 terraform 模板正在运行。 For more information, you could refer to this terraform-azurerm-promote-dc sample.有关更多信息,您可以参考此terraform-azurerm-promote-dc示例。

resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "create-active-directory-forest" {
  name                 = var.DomainControllerVMName
  virtual_machine_id   = azurerm_windows_virtual_machine.dc.id
  publisher            = "Microsoft.Compute"
  type                 = "CustomScriptExtension"
  type_handler_version = "1.10"

settings = <<SETTINGS
      "commandToExecute": "powershell.exe -Command \"$password = convertto-securestring Password12345 -asplaintext -force;Install-windowsfeature -name AD-Domain-Services –IncludeManagementTool;Install-ADDSForest -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -DatabasePath C:\\windows\\NTDS -DomainMode WinThreshold -DomainName mdk.mydomain.com -DomainNetbiosName MDK -ForestMode WinThreshold -InstallDns:$true -SafeModeAdministratorPassword $password -LogPath C:\\windows\\NTDS -NoRebootOnCompletion:$false -SysvolPath C:\\windows\\NTDS -Force:$true -Confirm:$false;shutdown -r -t 10;exit 0\""



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