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Microsoft Edge,打开时始终提示 Saveral 用户的凭据 Sharepoint O365

[英]Microsoft Edge, Always Prompt Credential for Saveral User When Open Sharepoint O365

i have finished develop a portal site with sharepoint online (O365), and i facing a weird issue.我已经完成了在线 sharepoint (O365) 的门户网站开发,但我面临一个奇怪的问题。

the issue is when user open the portal site via Microsoft Edge always prompt credential, and there only occoured for several users.问题是当用户通过 Microsoft Edge 打开门户站点时,总是提示凭据,并且仅针对几个用户出现。 but for another user just input credential at first time.但对于另一个用户,只需在第一次输入凭据。

so we just need to let the credential entered at a first time.所以我们只需要让凭证在第一次输入。 for next time, then users does not need to enter the credential again.下一次,则用户无需再次输入凭据。

i have tried to compare the configuration of microsoft edge, but not successfully.我曾尝试比较 microsoft edge 的配置,但没有成功。

please if you some clue, please help me.如果你有一些线索,请帮助我。 thanks谢谢

note: for default of home page of Microsoft edge alreadt setted up by the Active Directory server.注意:对于 Microsoft Edge 的主页默认设置是由 Active Directory 服务器设置的。

I am assuming that you are using MS Edge Chromium browser (Correct me if you are using the Edge legacy browser).我假设您使用的是MS Edge Chromium 浏览器(如果您使用的是Edge 旧版浏览器,请更正我)。

I suggest you paste edge://settings/passwords in the address bar and press the Enter key.我建议您在地址栏中粘贴edge://settings/passwords并按Enter键。

Check and make sure that Sign in automatically option is enabled.检查并确保启用了自动登录选项。 if it is disabled then Edge browser every time asks you for permission before signing in to the site.如果它被禁用,那么 Edge 浏览器每次在登录该站点之前都会询问您的许可。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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