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Maven 不下载 elasticsearch 高级 rest 客户端依赖

[英]Maven not downloading elasticsearch high level rest client dependency at all

I followed the usual procedure in adding the dependency for the es high level rest client, but it seems like maven is ignoring it completely.我按照通常的程序为 es 高级 rest 客户端添加依赖项,但似乎 maven 完全忽略了它。 Here's my pom config -这是我的 pom 配置 -


We are also using spring boot too, but that should not be an issue here, as it is downloading all es dependencies except the high level rest client.我们也在使用 spring 引导,但这不应该是问题,因为它正在下载除高级 rest 客户端之外的所有 es 依赖项。 The version is 6.8.7.版本是 6.8.7。 Please help.请帮忙。


I resolved this by creating a new project, basically there were some conflicts in the existing project and I am yet to debug that.我通过创建一个新项目解决了这个问题,基本上现有项目中存在一些冲突,我还没有调试它。

Please find snippet of my pom below and, important, I would highly recommend to start using version 7 of the Rest High Level Client library .请在下面找到我的 pom 片段,重要的是,我强烈建议开始使用 Rest 高级客户端库的版本 7 We ran into major problems (mostly load-related) when using version 6 and Elastic decided for a full rewrite of their library.在使用版本 6 时,我们遇到了主要问题(主要与负载相关),而 Elastic 决定完全重写他们的库。


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