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Bash - 解析 bash function 中的环境变量

[英]Bash - Parse environment variables in bash function

I have a bash function that retrieves environment variables from a .env file.我有一个 bash function 从.env文件中检索环境变量。

In my .env file I have the following variables在我的.env文件中,我有以下变量


In my bash script I have my env function在我的 bash 脚本中,我有我的环境 function

function dotenv::get() {
  variable=$(grep ^"${1}"= "$(pwd)/.env" | xargs)
  IFS="=" read -ra variable <<< "${variable}"

  echo "${variable[1]}"

When I execute dotenv::get IMAGE_TAG .当我执行dotenv::get IMAGE_TAG时。

Expected result: luis/application:latest预期结果: luis/application:latest


I'm aware my function is incomplete, however I'm not sure what are the next steps to achieve my objective.我知道我的 function 不完整,但是我不确定实现我的目标的下一步是什么。

The file looks like it wants to keep shell-ish syntax.该文件看起来想要保留 shell-ish 语法。 If so, just source it:如果是这样,只需source它:

. ./.env
echo "$IMAGE_TAG"

dotenv::get() { 
    . ./.env;
    echo "${!1}"

If this is not your intention, then implement a whole parser of variables from a file with a ${...} variable substitution of already set variables.如果这不是您的意图,则使用${...}变量替换已设置变量的文件实现整个变量解析器。

You are still missing two things: interpreting your variable assignments, and interpreting the content of the variable you query:您仍然缺少两件事:解释您的变量分配,并解释您查询的变量的内容:

. $(pwd)/.env  # source the environment file so that variables are assigned

function dotenv::get() {
  variable=$(grep ^"${1}"= "$(pwd)/.env" | xargs)
  IFS="=" read -ra variable <<< "${variable}"

  eval X=${variable[1]}  # interpret the expression containing variables
  echo $X

dotenv::get IMAGE_TAG

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