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如何在 Vuetify 2.0 中使用带有 v-file-input 标签的 v-tooltip?

[英]How to use v-tooltip with v-file-input tag in Vuetify 2.0?

I want to use v-tooltip, when I input the file through v-file-input and mouse over the file name, file name will be showed popup like as v-tool-tip.我想使用 v-tooltip,当我通过 v-file-input 输入文件并将鼠标悬停在文件名上时,文件名将像 v-tool-tip 一样弹出。 So I tried to make code the following.所以我试图使代码如下。

    <v-col cols="4">file_Add_Sample_Code</v-col>
    <v-col cols="6" class="pl-0 py-2">
      <v-tooltip bottom v-model="showTooltip">
        <template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
            style="flex-direction: row-reverse"
            @mouseover="showTooltip = !showTooltip"
        <span>{{ fileName }}</span>
    <v-col cols="2" class="pl-0"></v-col>

<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from 'nuxt-property-decorator'
export default class extends Vue {
  showTooltip: boolean = false
  fileName: string = ''
  async getFileObject(file:File) {
    this.fileName = await file.name

I ran this code and input file, file input was success and tooltip displayed but never disappear.我运行此代码并输入文件,文件输入成功并且工具提示显示但从未消失。 So, I thought using event handler in JS lie @mouseover in my code is correct my issue, but it seems not work.所以,我认为在我的代码中使用 JS 中的事件处理程序谎言 @mouseover 是正确的我的问题,但它似乎不起作用。 My goal is when I mouseover on file-input tag, and then tooltip display like Vuetify's tooltip sample Does anyone advise me?我的目标是当我将鼠标悬停在文件输入标签上,然后像Vuetify 的工具提示示例一样显示工具提示有人建议我吗?

From your code:从您的代码:

  @mouseover="showTooltip = !showTooltip"

The reason for v-on="on" will work only when click but not hovering because of v-file-input only emit focus and blur events but not mouseenter , mouseleave nor mouseover events. v-on="on"的原因仅在单击而不是悬停时才有效,因为v-file-input仅发出focusblur事件,但不会发出mouseentermouseleavemouseover事件。

And since v-file-input does not emit mouseover event, your showTooltip = !showTooltip code will not actually be executed.而且由于v-file-input不会发出mouseover事件,因此您的showTooltip = !showTooltip代码实际上不会被执行。

You can solve this by using native modifier:您可以通过使用native修饰符来解决此问题:



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