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如何将带有 json 主体的子请求从 NGINX http 请求 ZA8CFDE6331BD59EB2ACZ66F89 发布到另一台服务器

[英]How to post a subrequest with a json body to another server from NGINX http request object

Interface with Auth0 requiring a post request with a json body to retrieve the token and set it in the Header Authorization Bearer.与 Auth0 的接口需要带有 json 主体的发布请求以检索令牌并将其设置在 Header 授权承载中。 I have trouble to set the json body in the subrequest in the nginx js mdoule for the token.我无法在令牌的 nginx js mdoule 的子请求中设置 json 主体。 Please advice请指教

function introspectAccessToken(r) {
    // Prepare Authorization header for the introspection request
    var jsbody = {"grant_type" : "authorization_code",
              "client_id" : r.variables.oauth_client_id,
              "client_secret" : r.variables.oauth_client_secret,
              "code" : r.args_code,
    var jsString = JSON.stringify(jsbody);
    r.RequestBuffer = jsString;
    // Make the OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection request
    r.error("OAuth jsbody: " + jsString);
        function(reply) {
           if (reply.status != 200) {
               r.error("OAuth unexpected response from authorization server (HTTP " + reply.status + 
            "). " + reply.body);

I am doing something very similar and just got it 'mostly' working the way I would like just yesterday.我正在做一些非常相似的事情,只是让它“大部分”按照我昨天想要的方式工作。

Disclosure: I am a NUBE to NGINX.披露:我是 NGINX 的 NUBE。 I am posting what I did hopefully to help you, and to get any feedback on how I can make improvements.我正在发布我所做的事情,希望能对您有所帮助,并获得有关如何改进的任何反馈。

My Use Case: I have many clients requesting data from a backend server.我的用例:我有许多客户端从后端服务器请求数据。 I need to cache the responses to reduce load on the backend, as well as authenticate to the backend server for the client.我需要缓存响应以减少后端的负载,并为客户端对后端服务器进行身份验证。 The NGINX server will manage the ID/PWD and Token, the clients will just make requests. NGINX 服务器将管理 ID/PWD 和 Token,客户端只会发出请求。 On the very first request, or when the token expires, NGINX needs to get a fresh token.在第一个请求或令牌过期时,NGINX 需要获取新的令牌。 The authentication is completed with a POST request, passing the ID and Password in a JSON body.身份验证通过 POST 请求完成,在 JSON 主体中传递 ID 和密码。

I would like the client never to see 401. I am using the NGINX JavaScript module as you are.我希望客户端永远不会看到 401。我正在使用 NGINX JavaScript 模块。

I turned off caching for now to make sure I have the authentication working.我现在关闭了缓存以确保身份验证正常工作。

Javascript: Javascript:

function introspectAccessToken(r)
    r.log("introspectAccessToken - make a subrequest to _oauth2_send_request");

    // Request Internal location "SEND REQUEST"
    { method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify({ userName: "SERVICEID", password: "correcthorsebatterystaple" })

My body is static and for the moment, I have the ID and password in clear text in the code which is not ideal.我的身体是 static,目前,我的 ID 和密码在代码中以明文形式显示,这并不理想。 I like how you built your body up in a variable.我喜欢你如何在一个变量中建立你的身体。 I think you need to put the jsString in your subrequest call rather than setting r.RequestBuffer.我认为您需要将 jsString 放入您的子请求调用中,而不是设置 r.RequestBuffer。

In my.Conf file:在 my.Conf 文件中:

location /_oauth2_send_request {
    proxy_method      POST;
    proxy_set_header accept "application/json";
    proxy_set_header Content-Type "application/json";
    proxy_pass https://backend.company.com/login;

The token is returned in the body.令牌在正文中返回。 I parse the body and get the token data.我解析正文并获取令牌数据。 Initially I attempted to get the token with:最初我试图通过以下方式获取令牌:

js_set    $token   myJavaScript.getToken;

in the config, but r.subrequest is an asynchronous call and that is not allowed in a variable handler.在配置中,但 r.subrequest 是异步调用,并且在变量处理程序中是不允许的。
So, I 'punted' and wrote the token data to a file.所以,我“踢”并将令牌数据写入文件。 This may be a BIG ERROR on my part, but it helped me to getting it to work.这对我来说可能是一个大错误,但它帮助我让它发挥作用。

Here is more of my javascript:这是我的更多 javascript:

    if (reply.status == 200)
        r.log("introspectAccessToken: POST status:" + reply.status);
        var response = JSON.parse(reply.responseBody);
        var token = response["data"];
        // Write the Token to a file -- to be read later.
        r.log("introspectAccessToken: failed POST status:" + reply.status);

Now that the token is in a file, I can use the variable handler to read the file ( synchronously ) and return the token data.现在令牌在文件中,我可以使用变量处理程序来读取文件(同步)并返回令牌数据。 Conf file.配置文件。

js_set $myToken myJavaScript.readToken;

Where I struggled for some time was getting the initial 401 authorized redirected back to NGINX and not to the client.我挣扎了一段时间的地方是将最初的 401 授权重定向回 NGINX 而不是客户端。 The directive error_page 401, in many different formats, simply did not seem to work and I even read in blogs and posts that it wouldn't work, but in others examples claiming it did work.指令error_page 401,在许多不同的格式中,似乎根本不起作用,我什至在博客和帖子中读到它不起作用,但在其他示例中声称它确实起作用。 What I think was key was the line: proxy_intercept_errors on;我认为关键是这一行:proxy_intercept_errors on;

After adding that, the initial 401 unauthorized error was redirected: error_page 401 = @Unauthorized;添加后,最初的401未授权错误被重定向:error_page 401 = @Unauthorized;

What I have now is as follows: 1: Client makes initial GET request to get some data.我现在拥有的如下: 1:客户端发出初始 GET 请求以获取一些数据。 The readToken function returns an empty string because token file does not exist. readToken function 返回一个空字符串,因为令牌文件不存在。 The response from the backend is "401 Unauthorized".来自后端的响应是“401 Unauthorized”。 2: The 401 is redirected, and the javascript makes a subrequest to the login with the ID/PWD. 2:401重定向,javascript对ID/PWD登录进行子请求。 3: The response is parsed and the token is written to the file. 3:解析响应并将令牌写入文件。 4: ??? 4:??? The client gets a 404 Not Found code.客户端收到 404 Not Found 代码。 This is what I want to improve.这就是我想要改进的。 I would like another attempt made to the backend with the new token.我想使用新令牌对后端进行另一次尝试。 5: Failing on the first attempt, the client performs a retry. 5:第一次尝试失败,客户端执行重试。 Now with a saved token on the NGINX server, the request is successful.现在在 NGINX 服务器上使用保存的令牌,请求成功。

My full conf file:我的完整 conf 文件:

# Location of JavaScript code
js_import ./javascript/myJavaScript.js;

js_set $myToken myJavaScript.readToken;

    listen 80;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main1;

    # This is run for every request.
    location / {
        # Make an Internal Redirect if Not Authorized.
        proxy_intercept_errors on;
        error_page 401 = @Unauthorized;

        proxy_set_header accept "application/json";
        proxy_set_header Content-Type "application/json";
        proxy_set_header Authorization $myToken;
        proxy_pass https://backend.company.com;


    location  @Unauthorized {
        auth_request /_oauth2_token_introspection;

    location = /_oauth2_token_introspection {
        # Calls the javascript function
        js_content myJavaScript.introspectAccessToken;

    # Location in javascript subrequest.
    location /_oauth2_send_request {
        proxy_method      POST;
        proxy_set_header accept "application/json";
        proxy_set_header Content-Type "application/json";
        proxy_pass https://imos-plant-config-api-test.op-epg1mi.gm.com/tonic/login;

My full javascript:我的完整 javascript:

var fs = require('fs');
var MyTokeFile = "/etc/nginx/protectedFolder/mytoken.dat";

function writeToken(t)
    var file = fs.writeFileSync(MyTokeFile, t)

function readToken(r)
    try {
        fs.accessSync(MyTokeFile, fs.constants.R_OK);
        r.log('readToken: Has READ access : ' + MyTokeFile);
    } catch (e) {
        r.log('readToken: No READ access : ' + MyTokeFile);
        return ("");  // Return empty string if file cannot be read.

    r.log("readToken:" + MyTokeFile )
    var file = fs.readFileSync(MyTokeFile);
    var token = file.toString();
    return (token);

function introspectAccessToken(r)
    r.log("introspectAccessToken - make a subrequest to _oauth2_send_request");
    // Request Internal location "SEND REQUEST"
    { method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify({ userName: "SERVICEID", password: "correcthorsebatterystaple" })
        if (reply.status == 200)
            r.log("introspectAccessToken: POST status:" + reply.status);
            var response = JSON.parse(reply.responseBody);
            var token = response["data"];
            // Write the Token to a file -- to be read later.
            r.log("introspectAccessToken: failed POST status:" + reply.status);
            r.return(401);     // Unexpected response, return 'auth required'

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