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如何使用 foreach 循环创建多维数组

[英]How to create a multidimensional array with foreach loop

I have an array that includes images and orders;我有一个包含图像和订单的数组;

 foreach ($images as $image){
   $results => [
            'url' => $image["url"]
            'order' => $image["order"]

This only gets the first image and order.这只会获得第一个图像和订单。 I need to get all the images and orders and execute excute each entry like;我需要获取所有图像和订单并执行每个条目,例如;

       [attribute] => [
           [url] => "foo"
           [order] => "boo"

       [attribute] => [
           [url] => "foo"
           [order] => "boo"

    //... etc
    'images' => [
         $results; // need to use the $results array in another array like this

thanks for help.感谢帮助。

Just try this:试试这个:

$results = [];
 foreach ($images as $image){
   $results['attribute'][] = [
        'url' => $image["url"],
        'order' => $image["order"]

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