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Pexpect 将 '/r/n' 插入到 sendline()

[英]Pexpect inserts '/r/n' into sendline()

I am using pexpect to automate running a C program in a zsh terminal on Ubuntu 20.04.我正在使用 pexpect 在 Ubuntu 20.04 上的 zsh 终端中自动运行 C 程序。 The program in question is a spectrum convertor: http://www.np.ph.bham.ac.uk/research_resources/programs/spec_conv/spec_conv.c有问题的程序是一个频谱转换器: http://www.np.ph.bham.ac.uk/research_resources/programs/spec_conv/spec_conv.c

I have this installed and in my path.我已经安装并在我的路径中。 I can not run 'spec_conv' in my terminal and the program runs correctly.我无法在终端中运行“spec_conv”,程序运行正常。

When the program starts there is an initial set of options (0-9).当程序启动时,有一组初始选项 (0-9)。 I need to choose 5. The second option I click 'Y'.我需要选择 5。第二个选项我单击“Y”。 The program then asks for a file name.然后程序会询问文件名。 I have a file called 'file_list' which I type into the terminal and the spectrum is processed as expected.我有一个名为“file_list”的文件,我在终端中输入该文件,并按预期处理频谱。

I am trying to automate this with python.我正在尝试使用 python 自动执行此操作。 My code so far is:到目前为止,我的代码是:

import pexpect
child = pexpect.spawn('spec_conv')

The code seems to fail at reading the file.该代码似乎无法读取文件。 The output of print(child.read()) is: print(child.read())的 output 是:

b'\r\n \t \t    *****Welcome to SPEC_CONV*****\r\n\tThis program converts spectra between RadWare, Ascii,\r\n\tXtrack (GASPWARE) and Ortec (binary Chn & ASCII Spe) formats,\r\n\tincluding multiple-spectra (<999) Xtrack files, e.g. from AGATA.\r\n\tand can gainmatch spectra.\r\n\t(Ascii means (y) or (x y) data starting from channel zero)\r\n\tComment lines starting with # are ignored at the front of\r\n\tascii spectra. The 1 or 2 col. format is auto-detected.\r\n\r\n 1) to convert RadWare (.spe) ==> Ascii (.txt)\r\n 2) to convert Ascii (.txt) ==> RadWare (.spe)\r\n 3) to convert Ascii (.txt) ==> Xtrack (.spec)\r\n 4) to convert Maestro_Chn (.Chn) ==> Ascii (.txt)\r\n 5) to convert Maestro_Chn (.Chn) ==> RadWare (.spe)\r\n 6) to convert Xtrack (.spec) ==> Ascii (.txt)\r\n 7) to convert Xtrack (.spec) ==> RadWare (.spe)\r\n 8) to convert GENIE (.IEC) ==> RadWare (.spe)\r\n 9) to convert Maestro_Spe (.Spe) ==> RadWare (.spe)\r\n a) to convert Maestro_Spe (.Spe) ==> Ascii (.txt)\r\n g) to gainmatch a RadWare spectrum\r\n 0) Quit\r\n5^J\r\nRead spectrum names from list file (y/n) \r\ny^J\r\nType filename containing list of spectrum file names:\r\nCannot open file:  \r\nfile_list\r\n'

As you can see at the very end of this extract it is reading the file name as '\r\nfile_list\r\n' so cannot find the file.正如您在此摘录的最后看到的那样,它将文件名读取为 '\r\nfile_list\r\n',因此无法找到该文件。 I have tried a couple of solutions proposed in other similar questions and these have not worked:我尝试了其他类似问题中提出的几个解决方案,但这些都没有奏效:

https://github.com/pexpect/pexpect/issues/238 Preventing linewrap when using pexpect / bash https://github.com/pexpect/pexpect/issues/238 使用 pexpect 时防止换行 / bash

Adding setwinsize:添加setwinsize:

import pexpect
child = pexpect.spawn('spec_conv')

The output is the same. output 是一样的。

I have also tried changing my.spawn() input by adding '--noediting' as suggested:我还尝试通过按照建议添加“--noediting”来更改 my.spawn() 输入:

import pexpect
child = pexpect.spawn('spec_conv --noediting')

This gives an earlier failed output I don't fully understand the cause of:这给出了一个较早失败的 output 我不完全理解的原因:

b'\r\n \t \t     *****Welcome to SPEC_CONV*****\r\n\tThis program converts spectra between RadWare, Ascii,\r\n\tXtrack (GASPWARE) and Ortec (binary Chn & ASCII Spe) formats,\r\n\tincluding multiple-spectra (<999) Xtrack files, e.g. from AGATA.\r\n\tand can gainmatch spectra.\r\n\t(Ascii means (y) or (x y) data starting from channel zero)\r\n\tComment lines starting with # are ignored at the front of\r\n\tascii spectra. The 1 or 2 col. format is auto-detected.\r\n\r\n\r\nUnrecognised arguments...usage: spec_conv\r\n or: spec_conv SpectrumFileName\r\n ***File --noediting does not exist\r\n5\r\ny\r\nfile_list\r\n'

If you were to run the spawned program manually, you should be able to see that when you reply to the y/n question you only need to type y and the answer is taken immediately without the need for a carriage return.如果您要手动运行生成的程序,您应该能够看到,当您回复y/n问题时,您只需键入y即可立即获得答案,而无需回车。

So you need to send a single character, and not use sendline() which adds a newline to the sent string.因此,您需要发送一个字符,而不是使用sendline()将换行符添加到发送的字符串。 Replace代替




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