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将嵌套字典转换为元组 python

[英]Convert Nested dictionaries to tuples python

I want to convert nested dictionaries into tuples.我想将嵌套字典转换为元组。 I have tried but I didn't get the expected results.我已经尝试过,但没有得到预期的结果。 I want to do it without a list comprehension我想在没有列表理解的情况下做到这一点

Following is the dictionary以下是词典

test_dict = {'Layer 4': {'start_2': '38.52', 'start_1': '35.15'}}

Following is my code以下是我的代码

# printing original dictionary 
print("The original dictionary is : " + str(test_dict)) 
# Convert Nested dictionary to Mapped Tuple 
# Using list comprehension + generator expression 
res = [(key, tuple(sub[key] for sub in test_dict.values()))  
                               for key in test_dict['Layer 4']] 
# printing result  
print("The grouped dictionary : " + str(res)) 

Results that I have got我得到的结果

The original dictionary is : {'Layer 4': {'start_2': '38.52', 'start_1': '35.15'}}
The grouped dictionary : [('start_2', ('38.52',)), ('start_1', ('35.15',))]

And I am expecting the following output without mentioning the first key of the dictionary我期待以下 output 而没有提到字典的第一个键

[('Layer 4', 'start_2','38.52'), ('Layer 4','start_1', '35.15')]

There are many ways to do this.有很多方法可以做到这一点。 Here is one:这是一个:

>>> d={'a':{'b':1,'c':2}}
>>> sum([ [ (k, *w) for w in v.items() ] for k, v in d.items() ], [])
[('a', 'b', 1), ('a', 'c', 2)]

the problem is that you do one the comprehension inside the tuple and over the values, do it over the items instead, and the second level over the items of those问题是你在元组内部和值上做一个理解,而不是在项目上做,然后在那些项目上做第二级

>>> test_dict = {'Layer 4': {'start_2': '38.52', 'start_1': '35.15'}}
>>> [ (key,*item) for key,value in test_dict.items() for item in value.items()]
[('Layer 4', 'start_2', '38.52'), ('Layer 4', 'start_1', '35.15')]
>>> [ item for key,value in test_dict.items() for item in value.items()]
[('start_2', '38.52'), ('start_1', '35.15')]

actually you don't need items if you don't care for the keys of the outer dict实际上,如果您不关心外部字典的键,则不需要项目

>>> [ item for value in test_dict.values() for item in value.items()]
[('start_2', '38.52'), ('start_1', '35.15')]

a little esoteric way of doing it有点深奥的方法

>>> list(*map(dict.items,test_dict.values()))
[('start_2', '38.52'), ('start_1', '35.15')]

but that doesn't quite work if for example we got another key in the outer dict但是如果例如我们在外部字典中有另一个键,那就不太适用了

>>> test_dict2 = {'Layer 4': {'start_2': '38.52', 'start_1': '35.15'}, 'Layer 
23': {'start_23': '138.52', 'start_13': '135.15'}}
>>> [ item for value in test_dict2.values() for item in value.items()]
[('start_2', '38.52'), ('start_1', '35.15'), ('start_23', '138.52'), 
('start_13', '135.15')] 

to get the same in a more esoteric way, we can use itertools for that为了以更深奥的方式获得相同的效果,我们可以使用 itertools

>>> import itertools
>>> list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(dict.items,test_dict2.values())))
[('start_2', '38.52'), ('start_1', '35.15'), ('start_23', '138.52'), 
('start_13', '135.15')]

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