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在线托管 node.js 脚本并通过手机监控日志

[英]Host node.js script online and monitor logs from a phone

I know this is a bit weird question, but I made a Node.js app which logs out some important information in the Terminal.我知道这是一个有点奇怪的问题,但我制作了一个 Node.js 应用程序,它在终端中注销了一些重要信息。 Is there a way where I can host this app online and monitor logs when I am not at home?当我不在家时,有没有办法可以在线托管此应用程序并监控日志?

Yes, I feel you almost made this connection, but this is typically referred to as 'hosting'.是的,我觉得您几乎建立了这种联系,但这通常被称为“托管”。 Just find a webhost that advertises support for node.只需找到一个宣传支持节点的虚拟主机。 There are many, and it seems inappropriate to make a specific endorsement.有很多,做一个具体的背书似乎不合适。

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