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JQuery animation 效果在 animation 之后立即恢复

[英]JQuery animation effects immediately revert after animation

I feel like I am going crazy here.我觉得我在这里要疯了。 I am playing around with JQuery animation.我正在玩 JQuery animation。 Something I haven't really used since school.我从学校开始就没有真正使用过的东西。

I am doing something super simple.我正在做一些超级简单的事情。 I have a div that is just a square that is 150px by 150px I am using JQuery to animate it to grow the width.我有一个 div,它只是一个 150px x 150px 的正方形,我正在使用 JQuery 对其进行动画处理以增加宽度。 As soon as the animation completes, the square reverts back to the original dimensions.一旦 animation 完成,正方形就会恢复到原始尺寸。

Now I seem to remember that the animation effects would stay changed once the animation completes.现在我似乎记得,一旦 animation 完成,animation 效果将保持不变。 Has this changed?这有改变吗? Or am I simply misremembering how this works?还是我只是记错了这是如何工作的? All the examples I have seen on W3 schools and such have the animation stay once it is complete.我在 W3 学校中看到的所有示例等在完成后都会保留 animation。

            width: 150px;
            height: 150px;
            background-color: red;
                (this).animate({width:"400px"}, 2000);

use $(this) that's the problem:使用 $(this) 这就是问题所在:

            $(this).animate({width:"400px"}, 2000);

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