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[英]PostgreSQL: Is it possible to sort the part of the string has datetime

I have the name of the column that contains the data sequence and datetime type as shown below:我有包含数据序列和日期时间类型的列的名称,如下所示:

DATA01_0003_20210126135705.zip DATA01_0003_20210126135705.zip
DATA01_0002_20210127135030.zip DATA01_0002_20210127135030.zip
DATA01_0004_20210126142913.zip DATA01_0004_20210126142913.zip

I want ORDER BY according to datetime, then the sequence string, is it possible?我要根据datetime ORDER BY,然后是sequence string,可以吗?

DATA01_0002_20210127135030.zip DATA01_0002_20210127135030.zip
DATA01_0004_20210126142913.zip DATA01_0004_20210126142913.zip
DATA01_0003_20210126135705.zip DATA01_0003_20210126135705.zip

I tried the statement like below but it sort in sequence before datetime:我尝试了如下语句,但它在日期时间之前按顺序排序:
SELECT filename FROM tblData ORDER BY filename

DATA01_0002_20210127135030.zip DATA01_0002_20210127135030.zip
DATA01_0003_20210126135705.zip DATA01_0003_20210126135705.zip
DATA01_0004_20210126142913.zip DATA01_0004_20210126142913.zip

SELECT filename FROM tblData ORDER BY filename DESC

DATA01_0004_20210126142913.zip DATA01_0004_20210126142913.zip
DATA01_0003_20210126135705.zip DATA01_0003_20210126135705.zip
DATA01_0002_20210127135030.zip DATA01_0002_20210127135030.zip

in postgresql you can sort by expression.在 postgresql 中,您可以按表达式排序。

to sort by the file's timestamp, it is necessary to extract that from the string.要按文件的时间戳排序,有必要从字符串中提取它。 based on your examples, i am going to guess that the text after the last _ will have the date.根据您的示例,我猜测最后一个_之后的文本将具有日期。 if that assumption holds, then the following will sort by date如果该假设成立,那么以下将按日期排序

SELECT filename from tbldata
order by reverse(split_part(reverse(filename), '_', 1))

if the number of _ is fixed, then the trick with two reverse s is unnecessary.如果_的数量是固定的,则不需要使用两个reverse的技巧。 you can instead order by split_part(filename, '_', 3)您可以改为order by split_part(filename, '_', 3)

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