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如何在 flutter 中使用自定义剪辑器制作弯曲的小部件

[英]how to make curved widget with custom cliper in flutter

I am trying to make this widget this is my final goal我正在尝试制作这个小部件这是我的最终目标


I tried to follow some tutorials to make curved app bars but i couldn't get to the same result as i want.我尝试按照一些教程制作弯曲的应用栏,但我无法获得我想要的相同结果。 is there anyway to convert svg curve to this curve clipper?有没有办法将 svg 曲线转换为这个曲线修剪器?

Use Flutter Shape Maker to make any custom shape you want, you can also follow this tutorial使用Flutter Shape Maker制作您想要的任何自定义形状,您也可以按照本教程进行操作

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