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停用记录时禁用 Dynamics 365 中的确认弹出窗口

[英]Disable confirmation popup in Dynamics 365 when record is deactivated

When one deactivates a record Dynamics 365 is showing a confirmation popup.当一个人停用记录时,Dynamics 365 会显示一个确认弹出窗口。


Is there any chance to prevent this confirmation to popup?有没有机会阻止这个确认弹出? I've done quite alot of research but was no able to find any reasonable way of disabling this popup.我已经做了很多研究,但无法找到任何合理的方法来禁用此弹出窗口。

Does anybody have an idea?有人有想法吗?

Any help is highly appreciated!非常感谢任何帮助!

The way to go is hide the original Deactive button and replace it with a custom one performing basically the same action. go 的方法是隐藏原来的 Deactive 按钮,并用一个执行基本相同操作的自定义按钮替换它。

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