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如何更改primeng v11.2.0 p-calendar的高度和宽度?

[英]how to change height and width of primeng v11.2.0 p-calendar?

How to change height and width of below p-calendar of primeng version 11.2.0如何更改primeng version 11.2.0以下p-calendar的高度和宽度

https://primefaces.org/primeng/showcase/#/calendar https://primefaces.org/primeng/showcase/#/calendar

I want to use the above p-calendar on my Angular application.我想在我的 Angular 应用程序上使用上面的p-calendar

I tried below CSS, but didn't worked.我尝试了以下 CSS,但没有用。

.ui-calendar .ui-datepicker {
  height: 200px!important;

Suggest me on this.就此向我提出建议。

Adding few more points here.在这里再补充几点。 Use these styles in your styles.scss, it is parallel to index.html, also use.important at many places, You can also refer this link for more classes, https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/showcase/#/calendar在你的 styles.scss 中使用这些 styles,它与 index.html 平行,在很多地方也使用.important,你也可以参考这个链接更多的类, https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/showcase/# /日历

.p-datepicker table td{ //adjust the padding }
.p-datepicker table td > span { //adjust the width and height }

You can proportionally control the height of the date picker by reducing the cell padding of the date cells through these classes.您可以通过这些类减少日期单元格的单元格填充来按比例控制日期选择器的高度。

.p-datepicker table td{ //adjust the padding }
.p-datepicker table td > span { //adjust the width and height }

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