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如何在后端的 Rails 上使用 Ruby 在发布请求中访问嵌套的 json 参数

[英]How to access nested json params in a post request with Ruby on Rails on the backend

I need to access the json parameters from a form post request in a Ruby on Rails backend controller.我需要从 Rails 后端 controller 上的 Ruby 中的表单发布请求访问 json 参数。 I need to access a model object (carrier-type), in order to get the id.我需要访问 model object(运营商类型)才能获得 id。 However, I keep getting the following error.但是,我不断收到以下错误。 Can anyone advise how I would access this data?谁能建议我如何访问这些数据?


undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass excluded from capture: DSN not set
app_1         |
app_1         | NoMethodError (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass):

Sample Json Data:样品 Json 数据:

        {"attributes"=> {"device"=>mobile},

Access Attempt:访问尝试:

I have tried the following我试过以下

@myParams = params[:_jsonapi];
Rails.logger.info("STARTTIME PARAMS: #{@myParams}")

You must be trying to access the id in the following way您必须尝试通过以下方式访问id


this can throw you an error if any of the previous key will not be there in your JSON.如果您的 JSON 中没有任何先前的密钥,这可能会给您带来错误。

ie IE


will through error like:将通过以下错误:

NoMethodError (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass)

I would suggest you to use dig here.我建议你在这里使用dig

params.dig("_jsonapi", "data", "relationships", "carrier-type", "data", "id")

in this way you will not get an error but if any key is not present you will get nil ie这样你就不会得到一个错误,但如果任何键不存在你将得到nil

params.dig("_jsonapi", "random_key")

will return nil将返回nil

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