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如何在 java 1.8 的 reduce 方法中使用 StringBuilder?

[英]How to use StringBuilder inside the reduce method in java 1.8?

String s = "apples for you";
StringBuilder returnString = new StringBuilder("");
Arrays.stream(s.split(" "))
        .reduce(returnString, (acc, str) -> acc.append(str.charAt(0)));

Expected output first letter of each word, ie afy .预期 output 每个单词的首字母,即afy

But getting error at acc.append , acc is treated to be a String .但是在acc.append出现错误, acc被视为String

Your use of reduce is incorrect.您对reduce的使用不正确。 The overload you intend to call is the one with 3 parameters, which should also take a binary operator for StringBuilder :您打算调用的重载是具有 3 个参数的重载,它还应该为StringBuilder采用二元运算符:

StringBuilder returnString = Arrays.stream(s.split(" "))
        .reduce(new StringBuilder(""), 
                (acc, str) -> acc.append(str.charAt(0)), 
                (sb1, sb2) -> sb1.append(sb2));

If you're to use this on a parallel stream, please perform a mutable reduction (with stream.collect) as the initial, identity string builder object may otherwise be appended to unpredictably from multiple threads:如果您要在并行 ZF7B44CFFAFD5C52223D5498196C8A2E7BZ 上使用它,请执行可变归约(使用 stream.collect)作为初始标识字符串构建器 object:否则可能会意外附加到多个线程

StringBuilder returnString = Arrays.stream(s.split(" "))
                 (acc, str) -> acc.append(str.charAt(0)), 

ernest_k's answer is correct, of course.当然, ernest_k 的回答是正确的。 It's worth adding, though, that it seems like you're using reduce to implement the joining collector yourself, and might want to use it directly:不过,值得补充的是,您似乎正在使用reduce来自己实现joining收集器,并且可能希望直接使用它:

String result = 
  Arrays.stream(s.split(" ")).map(x -> x.substring(0, 1)).collect(Collectors.joining());

You can use reduce method with String s instead of StringBuilder :您可以使用带有String s 而不是StringBuilderreduce方法:

String str1 = "apples for you";
String str2 = Arrays
        // split string into an array of words
        // first character of a word
        .map(str -> str.charAt(0))
        // character as string
        // reduce stream of strings to a single
        // string by concatenating them
        .reduce((s1, s2) -> s1 + s2)
        // otherwise null

System.out.println(str2); // afy

See also: Using Streams instead of for loop in java 8另请参阅:在 java 8 中使用 Streams 而不是 for 循环

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