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Discord.py message.reaction 嵌入

[英]Discord.py message.reaction embed

I'm trying to do that my bot reacts to a embed that I send and it doesn't work.我正在尝试让我的机器人对我发送的嵌入做出反应,但它不起作用。

The code is that:代码是:

ruleta_image = discord.Embed(title="RULETA️", description="Hola", colour=discord.Colour.gold())
first_run = True<
await si.send(embed=ruleta_image)
while True:
    if first_run:
        first_run = False
        reactmoji = ["🟢", "🔴", "⚫", "🇳"]

        for react in reactmoji:
            await message.add_reaction(react)

The problem is that:问题是:

    await message.add_reaction(react)
NameError: name 'message' is not defined

The error states pretty clear that didn't define message , to define it错误状态很清楚,没有定义message ,定义它

message = await si.send(embed=ruleta_image)

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