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如何使用 AWS EventBridge 角色事件转换器

[英]How to use AWS EventBridge Role Event Transformer

With the source event published on EventBridge as:在 EventBridge 上发布的源事件为:

  version: '0',
  id: '1234-5678-9102-3456-7890',
  'detail-type': 'My-Detail-Type',
  source: 'My-Source',
  account: '328927794502',
  time: '2021-01-29T23:52:48Z',
  region: 'us-east-1',
  resources: [],
  detail: { year: '2020' }

I go ahead and create the EventBridge Rule with the Target Transformer:我提前 go 并使用目标转换器创建 EventBridge 规则:

For the Input Path I enter:对于Input Path ,我输入:


And for the Input Template I enter:对于输入模板,我输入:

{"Data-Joined" : <data_joined>}


Now when this event is transformed and sent to the destination (it could be Lambda function, CloudWatch Event log group and etc) I expect the transformed event to be:现在,当此事件被转换并发送到目的地时(可能是 Lambda function、CloudWatch 事件日志组等),我预计转换后的事件是:

  version: '0',
  id: '1234-5678-9102-3456-7890',
  'detail-type': 'My-Detail-Type',
  source: 'My-Source',
  account: '328927794502',
  time: '2021-01-29T23:52:48Z',
  region: 'us-east-1',
  resources: [],
  detail: { Data-Joined: '2020' }

Unfortunately, this doesn't work as I am not able to find this transformed event anywhere.不幸的是,这不起作用,因为我无法在任何地方找到这个转换后的事件。 Is there anything I should be doing differently有什么我应该做的不同的吗

There is a Note on the API_PutTargets page with regard to CloudWatch: API_PutTargets页面上有一条关于 CloudWatch 的注释:

Note If your are using InputTransformer with CloudWatch Logs as a target, the Template must be {"timestamp":,"message":}.注意 如果您使用 InputTransformer 和 CloudWatch Logs 作为目标,则模板必须是 {"timestamp":,"message":}。

In addition, I would assume that you already did it, but there is a Common Issues with Transforming Input另外,我假设您已经这样做了,但是转换输入存在一个常见问题

Did it work?它奏效了吗? I am facing exactly same problem & not yet resolved after checking the above answer.检查上述答案后,我面临完全相同的问题并且尚未解决。

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