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如何使用 discord.js 将语音频道中的所有人静音

[英]How to mute everyone in a voice channel using discord.js

I have tried to overwrite permissions denying speak but it only applies when members leave and join the vc.我试图覆盖拒绝发言的权限,但它仅适用于成员离开并加入 vc 时。 I have also tried "member.setMute(true)" but it mutes members globally, so they cant speak in any channel and I would like just to mute in one specific channel.我也尝试过“member.setMute(true)”,但它会使成员在全球范围内静音,因此他们无法在任何频道中发言,我只想在一个特定频道中静音。

Try doing the following:尝试执行以下操作:

voiceChannel.members.forEach(m => {
            m.voice.setMute(1).catch(err =>{})

Here, it cycles through all the members in voiceChannel and server-mutes them.在这里,它循环遍历voiceChannel中的所有成员并将它们静音。 You can do m.voice.setMute(0) to unmute them.您可以执行m.voice.setMute(0)取消静音。 Additionally, if the command is being sent by a member that's in a specific voice channel, you can replace voiceChannel with message.member.voice.channel .此外,如果命令是由特定语音频道中的成员发送的,您可以将voiceChannel替换为message.member.voice.channel

The catch is important in case it tries to mute someone who is already muted.如果它试图使已经静音的人静音,则捕获很重要。

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