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JSDOC:如何在简单的 object 中记录 function

[英]JSDOC: How to document a function within of simple object

I need to document a simple object and I'm failing to find a documentation or tutorial how to document @param and @returns for the inner methods.我需要记录一个简单的 object 并且我找不到如何记录内部方法的@param@returns的文档或教程。 If I put them above the respective method ( xyz ), they are ignored, if I put them above the object, @param is not assigned (or I have no idea how to assign it here).如果我将它们放在相应的方法( xyz )之上,它们将被忽略,如果我将它们放在 object 之上,则不会分配@param (或者我不知道如何在这里分配它)。

Let's say it's a simple object, like this:假设它是一个简单的 object,如下所示:

export const foo = {

  abc: 'A string',

  xyz: (x) => {
    return x + '!'


I expected something like this should work:我希望这样的事情应该有效:

 * @module FooModule

 * @type {object}

export const foo = {

   * @property {string} abc - some property
  abc: 'A string',

   * @property {function} xyz - some method
   * @param {string} x - source string
   * @returns {string} - exclamation mark added
  xyz: (x) => {
    return x + '!'


But it doesn't work, obviously.但这显然不起作用。 I've found a similar question here but the solution is wrong, it doesn't work at all.我在这里发现了一个类似的问题,但解决方案是错误的,它根本不起作用。 How should this be done correctly, so that I get a module FooModule , a global constant foo with foo.abc property and foo.xyz method (incl. @param and @returns ) in the output JSDoc?这应该如何正确完成,以便我在 output JSDoc 中获得一个模块FooModule ,一个具有foo.abc属性和foo.xyz方法(包括@param@returns )的全局常量foo

Can it be done?可以做到吗? If yes, can it be done without @typedef ing all functions like this?如果是,可以在没有@typedef所有函数的情况下完成吗?

It seems the latest answer to other question found the problem.似乎其他问题的最新答案发现了问题。 It's not in the JSDoc syntax, but in the javascript itself.它不在 JSDoc 语法中,而是在 javascript 本身中。 It seems JSDoc's @module can't be used with the export directive.似乎 JSDoc 的@module不能与export指令一起使用。 If @module is removed, the documentation works as expected.如果删除了@module ,文档将按预期工作。 If @module is used, the export must be replaced by如果使用@module ,则export必须替换为

module.exports = foo

at the end.在最后。 Then the JSDoc build works fine.然后 JSDoc 构建工作正常。

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