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我正在读取未定义的属性 map。我已经尝试了一切但没有任何效果

[英]I am getting read property map of undefined.I have tried everything but nothing worked

I have tried many solutions given on StackOverflow as well as on other platforms but nothing worked.我在 StackOverflow 以及其他平台上尝试了许多解决方案,但没有任何效果。 I am new to ReactJs and I am unable to understand what is wrong in this code that I am getting this error.我是 ReactJs 的新手,我无法理解我收到此错误的代码有什么问题。

componentDidMount() {
console.log("component did mount");
.then(response => {
  if (response.data.length > 0) {
      blogs: response.data
.catch((error) => {


console.log("inside render ");

  var b=this.state.blogs.map((blog)=>{
     var taggu=blog.tag.map((tag)=>{
    var con=blog.content.slice(0,100);
      <Col className="my-1" lg="4" sm="6" >
      <Card key={blog._id}>
          <CardHeader tag="h3">{blog.topic}</CardHeader>
            <CardTitle tag="h5">By {blog.writer.username}</CardTitle>
            <CardText>{con}... </CardText>
            <Button>Learn More</Button>

return ( <div className="App">{b}</div>)

} }

The Promise from axios does not resolve instantly and it is very likely that the render function was called before来自Promiseaxios不会立即resolve ,很可能之前调用了render function

  blogs: response.data

was executed, meaning that this.state.blogs is undefined.已执行,这意味着this.state.blogs未定义。

You could either add您可以添加

  blogs: []

in the constructor or check whether this.state.blogs is undefined before calling its map function:在构造函数中或在调用其 map function 之前检查this.state.blogs是否未定义:

  console.log("inside render ");
    return <span>Loading...</span>;
  // Rest of the code below...


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