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[英]Writing to online excel from front-end

I have a form with several fields (written in React).我有一个包含多个字段的表单(用 React 编写)。

By submitting the form, I want the values will be written to an existing Excel file (the Excel file is saved in OneDrive), ie each submit will add 1 row to the Excel sheet.通过提交表单,我希望将值写入现有的 Excel 文件(Excel 文件保存在 OneDrive 中),即每次提交都会在 ZC1D81AF5835844B4E9D936910DED8 表中添加 1 行。

How can I do it?我该怎么做?

You can use the Excel REST API to do this.您可以使用Excel REST API来执行此操作。

To add a row, first identify the endpoint for your Excel file, and send a POST request to a URL like要添加一行,首先确定 Excel 文件的端点,然后向 URL 发送 POST 请求,例如


with a payload similar to:有效载荷类似于:

  'index': null,
  'values': [
    ['col-1-value', 'col-2-value', ...]

Where index signifies the offset from the last created row.其中index表示与最后创建的行的偏移量。

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