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如何设置 static 资源的依赖属性?

[英]How to set a dependency property of a static resource?

I would like to add a reference to my model in my view model using XAML.我想使用 XAML 在我的观点 model 中添加对我的 model 的引用。 I have defined my model and my view model as resources, and I would like to bind the dependency property Model of the resource myViewModel to the resource myModel.我已将我的 model 和我的视图 model 定义为资源,我想将资源 myViewModel 的依赖属性 Model 绑定到资源 myModel。

How do I do this using XAML?如何使用 XAML 执行此操作?

Below is my attempt:以下是我的尝试:

    <local:ViewModel x:Key="myViewModel" />
    <local:Model x:Key="myModel" />

<myViewModel Model="{StaticResource myModel}">

This works fine:这工作正常:

    <local:Model x:Key="myModel" />
    <local:ViewModel x:Key="myViewModel" Model="{StaticResource myModel}" />

Assuming, of course, the model data structures are declared appropriately (you didn't provide that context).当然,假设 model 数据结构已正确声明(您没有提供该上下文)。

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