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使用 pnp 更新 SharePoint 在线文档库列属性 PowerShell

[英]update SharePoint online document library column property using pnp PowerShell

I need to recursively update properties of folders in SharePoint online document library based on some condition using pnp PowerShell cmdlets.我需要使用 pnp PowerShell cmdlet 根据某些条件递归更新 SharePoint 在线文档库中文件夹的属性。 I could see the cmdlets to update column properties of lists, but not for document library.我可以看到 cmdlet 来更新列表的列属性,但不能用于文档库。

using the below command I fetched all the folders in the library.使用以下命令,我获取了库中的所有文件夹。 How I can update some custom properties?如何更新一些自定义属性?

$folders = Get-PnPFolderItem -FolderSiteRelativeUrl $ParentFolder -ItemType Folder -Recursive

Appreciate your help.感谢你的帮助。

Actually I have found answer for this.其实我已经找到了答案。 the PnPFolderItems command can't handle meta data. PnPFolderItems 命令无法处理元数据。 I could able to change the property values using PnPListItem command.我可以使用 PnPListItem 命令更改属性值。 Check the code below.检查下面的代码。

Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Credentials $Cred

$clientContext = Get-PnPContext
$targetWeb = Get-PnPWeb
$targetList = $targetWeb.Lists.GetByTitle("Documents") # Library Internal Name

$fields = "FileLeafRef","Project" # fields that you need to access and update
$ListItems = Get-PnPListItem -List $targetList -Fields $fields
foreach($ListItem in $ListItems){
    if($ListItem.FileSystemObjectType -eq "Folder"){ # filter folders
        $ListItem["Project"] = "new value to the custom column"

This code worked for me.这段代码对我有用。 If any better code/cmdlets available for the same, please mention here.如果有任何更好的代码/cmdlet 可用,请在此处提及。

Thank you谢谢


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