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Keras Transfer-Learning 设置 layers.trainable 为 True 没有效果

[英]Keras Transfer-Learning setting layers.trainable to True has no effect

I want to f.netune efficien.net using tf.keras (tensorflow 2.3) but i cannot change the training status of layers properly.我想使用 tf.keras (tensorflow 2.3) f.netune efficien.net 但我无法正确更改图层的训练状态。 My model looks like this:我的 model 看起来像这样:

data_augmentation_layers = tf.keras.Sequential([

efficientnet = EfficientNetB3(weights="imagenet", include_top=False,
                                input_shape=(*img_size, 3))

#Setting to not trainable as described in the standard keras FAQ
efficientnet.trainable = False

inputs = keras.layers.Input(shape=(*img_size, 3))
augmented = augmentation_layers(inputs)
base = efficientnet(augmented, training=False)
pooling = keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(base)
outputs = keras.layers.Dense(5, activation="softmax")(pooling)

model = keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer=keras_opt, metrics=["categorical_accuracy"])

This is done so that my random weights on the custom top wont destroy the weights asap.这样做是为了让我在自定义顶部的随机重量不会尽快破坏重量。

    Model: "functional_1"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_2 (InputLayer)         [(None, 512, 512, 3)]     0         
sequential (Sequential)      (None, 512, 512, 3)       0         
efficientnetb3 (Functional)  (None, 16, 16, 1536)      10783535  
global_average_pooling2d (Gl (None, 1536)              0         
dense (Dense)                (None, 5)                 7685      
Total params: 10,791,220
Trainable params: 7,685
Non-trainable params: 10,783,535

Everything seems to work until this point.到目前为止,一切似乎都有效。 I train my model for 2 epochs and then i want to start fine-tuning the efficien.net base.我训练我的 model 2 个时期,然后我想开始微调 efficien.net 基础。 Thus i call因此我打电话

for l in model.get_layer("efficientnetb3").layers:
  if not isinstance(l, keras.layers.BatchNormalization):
    l.trainable = True

model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer=keras_opt, metrics=["categorical_accuracy"])

I recompiled and print the summary again to see that the number of non-trainable weights remained the same.我重新编译并再次打印摘要,发现不可训练权重的数量保持不变。 Also fitting does not bring better results that keeping frozen.此外,贴合不会带来比保持冷冻更好的效果。

 dense (Dense)                (None, 5)                 7685      
    Total params: 10,791,220
    Trainable params: 7,685
    Non-trainable params: 10,783,535

Ps: I also tried efficien.net3.trainable = True but this also had no effect. Ps:我也试过efficien.net3.trainable = True但这也没有效果。

Could it be that it has something to do with the fact that i'm using a sequential and a functional model at the same time?难道这与我同时使用顺序和功能 model 这一事实有关吗?

For me the problem was using sequential API for part of the model. When I change to sequential, my model.sumary() displayed all the sublayers and it was possible to set some of them as trainable and others not.对我来说,问题是对 model 的一部分使用顺序 API。当我更改为顺序时,我的 model.sumary() 显示了所有子层,并且可以将其中一些设置为可训练的,而另一些则不能。

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