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如何在 python 中每 n 秒重复 x 次?

[英]how to make something repeat x amount of times every n seconds in python?

Let's say, i want a beeping sound be heard a total of 5 times, with 5 second break with each beep.比方说,我希望总共听到 5 次哔哔声,每次哔哔声中断 5 秒。 For that, i tried using threading module, and made this:为此,我尝试使用线程模块,并做了这个:

import threading
import winsound
i = 0
def beep():
   global i
   while i < 5:
         i += 1
         threading.Timer(5.0, beep).start()
         winsound.PlaySound("beep", winsound.SND_FILENAME)


This code repeats it succesfully i amount of times, but ignores a time interval and instead does it on a much faster, equally distributed unchangeable interval.这段代码成功地重复了 i 次,但忽略了一个时间间隔,而是在一个更快、均匀分布的不可更改的间隔上执行它。 I know that happens because of how while loop works, but I cant seem to find any alternative.我知道这是因为 while 循环是如何工作的,但我似乎找不到任何替代方案。 Every piece of information would come in handy!每一条信息都会派上用场!

use time module使用时间模块

import time进口时间

time.sleep(int x in seconds) time.sleep(int x in seconds)

I got this to work ok:我让这个工作正常:

import threading
import winsound

def beep(n):
    if n == 0:
    for i in range(5):
    threading.Timer(5.0, beep, args=(n-1,)).start()


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