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Qt 未发出快速信号

[英]Qt Quick signal not emitted


I didn't found a way to access the active instance of the Class-Object so I transfered all Q_PROPERTIES into one Class, which lets them interact which each other.我没有找到访问 Class-Object 的活动实例的方法,所以我将所有Q_PROPERTIES转移到一个 Class 中,这样它们就可以相互交互了。 Not so clean and OOP-ish but it works.不是那么干净和OOP-ish,但它可以工作。

I have a class where I receive data from an REST-Call.我有一个 class 从 REST-Call 接收数据。 With this data, I'd like to call Q_PROPERTY Setter-Function of another class, which works fine.有了这些数据,我想调用另一个 class 的Q_PROPERTY Setter-Function,它工作正常。 I can read my properties in Debug-Mode.我可以在调试模式下读取我的属性。 But one thing is not working: calling the Q_PROPERTY -Setter-Functions from another class, will not emitting the signal (normally triggered when this property has been changed).但有一件事不起作用:从另一个 class 调用Q_PROPERTY -Setter-Functions,不会发出信号(通常在更改此属性时触发)。

I am using the Q_PROPERTY with read, write notify functionality ( Q_PROPERTY(QUuid id READ getId WRITE setId NOTIFY idChanged ). After initalizing the Class via qmlRegisterType<VF_Kiste>("qt.kiste", 1,0, "Kiste"); in main.cpp I can access the property in QML.我正在使用具有读写通知功能的Q_PROPERTY ( Q_PROPERTY(QUuid id READ getId WRITE setId NOTIFY idChanged )。通过qmlRegisterType<VF_Kiste>("qt.kiste", 1,0, "Kiste");main.cpp我可以访问 QML 中的属性。


void VF_Kiste::setId(const QUuid& id)
    if (id == _id)
    _id = id;
    emit idChanged();

So calling this Setter-Function will change the property (I tried this and it works) but is not emitting the signal I need for the QML-Part.所以调用这个 Setter-Function 会改变属性(我试过这个并且它有效)但不会发出我需要的 QML-Part 信号。 Here is where I call the setter.这是我调用setter的地方。

VF_Kiste* kst = new VF_Kiste();


In QML I'd like to call the onIdChanged() -Function of this described function, but without emitting the signal I cannot access the changed value of the property.在 QML 中,我想调用描述的 function 的onIdChanged() -函数,但如果不发出信号,我无法访问属性的更改值。

Also I tried calling the Q_PROPERTY from QML directly and not from the inherited class, this works as well, so the problem is in calling the setter from another class.我还尝试直接从 QML 调用Q_PROPERTY ,而不是从继承的 class 调用 Q_PROPERTY,这也可以,所以问题在于从另一个 class 调用设置器。


I didn't found a way to access the active instance of the Class-Object so I transfered all Q_PROPERTIES into one Class, which lets them interact which each other.我没有找到访问 Class-Object 的活动实例的方法,所以我将所有Q_PROPERTIES转移到一个 Class 中,这样它们就可以相互交互了。 Not so clean and OOP-ish but it works.不是那么干净和OOP-ish,但它可以工作。

I have a class where I receive data from an REST-Call.我有一个 class 从 REST-Call 接收数据。 With this data, I'd like to call Q_PROPERTY Setter-Function of another class, which works fine.有了这些数据,我想调用另一个 class 的Q_PROPERTY Setter-Function,它工作正常。 I can read my properties in Debug-Mode.我可以在调试模式下读取我的属性。 But one thing is not working: calling the Q_PROPERTY -Setter-Functions from another class, will not emitting the signal (normally triggered when this property has been changed).但有一件事不起作用:从另一个 class 调用Q_PROPERTY -Setter-Functions,不会发出信号(通常在更改此属性时触发)。

I am using the Q_PROPERTY with read, write notify functionality ( Q_PROPERTY(QUuid id READ getId WRITE setId NOTIFY idChanged ). After initalizing the Class via qmlRegisterType<VF_Kiste>("qt.kiste", 1,0, "Kiste"); in main.cpp I can access the property in QML.我正在使用具有读写通知功能的Q_PROPERTY ( Q_PROPERTY(QUuid id READ getId WRITE setId NOTIFY idChanged )。通过qmlRegisterType<VF_Kiste>("qt.kiste", 1,0, "Kiste");main.cpp我可以访问 QML 中的属性。


void VF_Kiste::setId(const QUuid& id)
    if (id == _id)
    _id = id;
    emit idChanged();

So calling this Setter-Function will change the property (I tried this and it works) but is not emitting the signal I need for the QML-Part.所以调用这个 Setter-Function 会改变属性(我试过这个并且它有效)但不会发出我需要的 QML-Part 信号。 Here is where I call the setter.这是我调用setter的地方。

VF_Kiste* kst = new VF_Kiste();


In QML I'd like to call the onIdChanged() -Function of this described function, but without emitting the signal I cannot access the changed value of the property.在 QML 中,我想调用描述的 function 的onIdChanged() -函数,但如果不发出信号,我无法访问属性的更改值。

Also I tried calling the Q_PROPERTY from QML directly and not from the inherited class, this works as well, so the problem is in calling the setter from another class.我还尝试直接从 QML 调用Q_PROPERTY ,而不是从继承的 class 调用 Q_PROPERTY,这也可以,所以问题在于从另一个 class 调用设置器。

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