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如何使用 Microsoft Graph API 仅获取在 Azure 活动目录中拥有邮箱的用户?

[英]How to get only the users that have a mailbox in Azure active directory using Microsoft Graph API?

I am using Microsoft Graph API to read emails ( /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/messages ) in the mailboxes of the users in my Azure active directory.我正在使用 Microsoft Graph API 阅读 Azure 活动目录中用户邮箱中的电子邮件 ( /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/messages )。 I have noticed that for some users, I get this error:我注意到对于某些用户,我收到此错误:

HTTP error: 404
Error code: MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI or MailboxNotSupportedForRESTAPI
Error message: REST API is not yet supported for this mailbox.

Upon investigation, I found out that these users do not have a valid license and also don't have a mailbox attached to them.经过调查,我发现这些用户没有有效的许可证,也没有附加邮箱。 Ideally, I would like to only fetch the users that have a mailbox enabled.理想情况下,我只想获取启用了邮箱的用户。 I tried checking the assignedLicenses property of each user and only fetch emails for those users that have a valid license assigned to them but, I'm not sure if this is a reliable method as users might have some other license and still not have a mailbox enabled.我尝试检查每个用户的assignedLicenses属性,并且只为那些分配了有效许可证的用户获取电子邮件,但是我不确定这是否是一种可靠的方法,因为用户可能有其他一些许可证但仍然没有邮箱启用。

Can someone please suggest a straightforward way to only fetch the users that have mailboxes attached?有人可以建议一种简单的方法来仅获取附加邮箱的用户吗? Any help or hint shall be highly appreciated.任何帮助或提示将不胜感激。

I don't see much options from Microsoft Graph perspective.从 Microsoft Graph 的角度来看,我没有看到太多选择。 Definitely checking the license is one good way, but you may not have much options with that.绝对检查许可证是一种好方法,但您可能没有太多选择。 Being said that i see the following options,据说我看到以下选项,


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