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如何从运行在同一台机器上的 Docker 内部加载运行在主机中的 MongoDB 中的数据?

[英]How to load data in MongoDB running in host from inside a Docker running on the same machine?

I am running a Pytorch docker container by the following command in a Ubuntu 18.02 machine:我在 Ubuntu 18.02 机器中通过以下命令运行 Pytorch docker 容器:

# Run Pytorch container image
docker run -it -v /home/ubuntu/Downloads/docker_work/test_py_app/app:/workspace/app -p 8881:8888 -p 5002:5002 --gpus all --rm nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:20.08-py3

On the same machine I've a MongoDB running, which has the following details:在同一台机器上,我正在运行 MongoDB,它具有以下详细信息:

database_name = 'data_analytics'
collection_name = 'TestDB'
server = 'localhost'
mongodb_port = 27017

I'm running the below code outside the docker in the local machine to test out the code, it works perfectly fine by creating/updating the existing collection:我在本地机器的 docker 之外运行以下代码来测试代码,它通过创建/更新现有集合完美地工作:

import pandas as pd
import os
import json
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
import os
import glob

def dataframe_cleaner(csv_path):
    df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)
    df.columns = df.columns.str.replace('[#,@,&,.]', '')
    df.columns = df.columns.str.replace(' ', '_')
    df.columns = [x.lower() for x in df.columns]
    return df

def mongo_loader(dataframe, db_name, collection_name, server, mongodb_port):
    client = MongoClient(server, int(mongodb_port))
    db = client[db_name]
    # print(db)

    records = json.loads(dataframe.T.to_json()).values()
    return True

csv_path = '/home/ubuntu/Downloads/test.csv'

database_name = 'data_analytics'
collection_name = 'TestDB'
server = 'localhost'
mongodb_port = 27017

df = dataframe_cleaner(csv_path)
criteria = mongo_loader(df, database_name, collection_name, server, mongodb_port)

As per suggestion here , I've updated the server = 'localhost' to server = 'host.docker.internal' and running the same code inside the docker to read a csv file and push the data to MongoDB outside the docker on the same host machine, but to no avail, I still get the same error: As per suggestion here , I've updated the server = 'localhost' to server = 'host.docker.internal' and running the same code inside the docker to read a csv file and push the data to MongoDB outside the docker on the same主机,但无济于事,我仍然得到同样的错误:

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:30: DeprecationWarning: insert is deprecated. Use insert_one or insert_many instead.
ServerSelectionTimeoutError               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-458f690221ff> in <module>
     42 df = dataframe_cleaner(csv_path)
---> 43 criteria = mongo_loader(df, database_name, collection_name, server, mongodb_port)
     45 #if criteria is True:

<ipython-input-4-458f690221ff> in mongo_loader(dataframe, db_name, collection_name, server, mongodb_port)
     29     records = json.loads(dataframe.T.to_json()).values()
---> 30     db.TestDB.insert(records)
     31     return True

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/collection.py in insert(self, doc_or_docs, manipulate, check_keys, continue_on_error, **kwargs)
   3292             write_concern = WriteConcern(**kwargs)
   3293         return self._insert(doc_or_docs, not continue_on_error,
-> 3294                             check_keys, manipulate, write_concern)
   3296     def update(self, spec, document, upsert=False, manipulate=False,

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/collection.py in _insert(self, docs, ordered, check_keys, manipulate, write_concern, op_id, bypass_doc_val, session)
    647         blk.ops = [(message._INSERT, doc) for doc in gen()]
    648         try:
--> 649             blk.execute(write_concern, session=session)
    650         except BulkWriteError as bwe:
    651             _raise_last_error(bwe.details)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/bulk.py in execute(self, write_concern, session)
    526                 self.execute_no_results(sock_info, generator)
    527         else:
--> 528             return self.execute_command(generator, write_concern, session)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/bulk.py in execute_command(self, generator, write_concern, session)
    357         client = self.collection.database.client
--> 358         with client._tmp_session(session) as s:
    359             client._retry_with_session(
    360                 self.is_retryable, retryable_bulk, s, self)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/contextlib.py in __enter__(self)
     79     def __enter__(self):
     80         try:
---> 81             return next(self.gen)
     82         except StopIteration:
     83             raise RuntimeError("generator didn't yield") from None

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/mongo_client.py in _tmp_session(self, session, close)
   1827             return
-> 1829         s = self._ensure_session(session)
   1830         if s:
   1831             try:

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/mongo_client.py in _ensure_session(self, session)
   1814             # Don't make implicit sessions causally consistent. Applications
   1815             # should always opt-in.
-> 1816             return self.__start_session(True, causal_consistency=False)
   1817         except (ConfigurationError, InvalidOperation):
   1818             # Sessions not supported, or multiple users authenticated.

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/mongo_client.py in __start_session(self, implicit, **kwargs)
   1765         # Raises ConfigurationError if sessions are not supported.
-> 1766         server_session = self._get_server_session()
   1767         opts = client_session.SessionOptions(**kwargs)
   1768         return client_session.ClientSession(

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/mongo_client.py in _get_server_session(self)
   1800     def _get_server_session(self):
   1801         """Internal: start or resume a _ServerSession."""
-> 1802         return self._topology.get_server_session()
   1804     def _return_server_session(self, server_session, lock):

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/topology.py in get_server_session(self)
    486                             any_server_selector,
    487                             self._settings.server_selection_timeout,
--> 488                             None)
    489                 elif not self._description.readable_servers:
    490                     self._select_servers_loop(

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/topology.py in _select_servers_loop(self, selector, timeout, address)
    215                 raise ServerSelectionTimeoutError(
    216                     "%s, Timeout: %ss, Topology Description: %r" %
--> 217                     (self._error_message(selector), timeout, self.description))
    219             self._ensure_opened()

ServerSelectionTimeoutError: host.docker.internal:27017: [Errno -2] Name or service not known, Timeout: 30s, Topology Description: <TopologyDescription id: 601a3b8e6563d1163530d9c1, topology_type: Single, servers: [<ServerDescription ('host.docker.internal', 27017) server_type: Unknown, rtt: None, error=AutoReconnect('host.docker.internal:27017: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',)>]>

Kindly help!请帮忙!

Aakash, it's not clear to me if the MongoDB server is running as a docker container or if it's a standard application on the docker host. Aakash,我不清楚 MongoDB 服务器是作为 docker 容器运行还是作为 docker 主机上的标准应用程序运行。

Docker runs multiple networks possibly with different drivers, so you have to attach pytorch to a network that has access to your MongoDB instance network. Docker 可能使用不同的驱动程序运行多个网络,因此您必须将 pytorch 连接到可以访问您的 MongoDB 实例网络的网络。

If MongoDB is running as an application on the host machine , add a --network="host" flag to your pytorch command.如果 MongoDB 作为主机上的应用程序运行,请在 pytorch 命令中添加--network="host"标志。

docker run -it -v /home/ubuntu/Downloads/docker_work/test_py_app/app:/workspace/app -p 8881:8888 -p 5002:5002 --gpus all --network="host" --rm nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:20.08-py3

This will instruct docker to bind pytorch to the real network(s) interface(s) and give it access to mongo via localhost: 27017这将指示 docker 将 pytorch 绑定到真实网络接口,并通过localhost: 27017使其访问 mongo

If MongoDB is running as a docker container , make sure that when you run it you mapped its port to the outside world or if you're running pytorch on the same virtual network as it.如果 MongoDB 作为 docker 容器运行,请确保在运行它时将其端口映射到外部世界,或者如果您在与它相同的虚拟网络上运行 pytorch。

To simply expose the port, make sure that a -p 27017:27017 flag exists on the docker run command.要简单地公开端口,请确保 docker 运行命令上存在-p 27017:27017标志。

To use the same virtual network, check the Networks key on the output of the docker inspect MONGO_CONTAINER_ID command and add the same name as --network="name" on your pytorch execution.要使用相同的虚拟网络,请检查 docker 的 output 上的Networks键, docker inspect MONGO_CONTAINER_ID命令并在 Z1AFA0EDDD6A79D200660A83186 执行中添加与--network="name"相同的名称。

For more information, take a look at the docker network manual .有关更多信息,请查看docker 网络手册

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