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如何在 C# Wpf UserControl 中使用 F# 对象/记录

[英]How to use F# objects/records in C# Wpf UserControl

(Newbie question). (新手问题)。 My main application is running in F#.我的主要应用程序在 F# 中运行。 From the F# application, I am calling a print routine on a separate background thread.从 F# 应用程序中,我在单独的后台线程上调用打印例程。 This print routine uses the below wpf xaml usercontrol in a separate C# project to format the page.此打印例程在单独的 C# 项目中使用以下 wpf xaml 用户控件来格式化页面。

My problem is that the Account object is defined in F# and used in C# -- except that it does not work.我的问题是帐户 object 在 F# 中定义并在 C# 中使用 - 除了它不起作用。

Error: The type 'Account' is not compatible with the type 'IAccount'错误:“Account”类型与“IAccount”类型不兼容

Is there anyway to have these two languages play nice together?反正有没有让这两种语言一起玩得很好?

(Is FsXaml a possibility?) (FsXaml 有可能吗?)

Thanks for any help or suggestions.感谢您的任何帮助或建议。



let workSheetHeader (a:Account) (encounterTime: Nullable<DateTime> ) = 
            let Insurance = "Self Pay"
            let firstEncounter,lastEncounter = getFirstAndLastEncounter(a,encounterTime)
            let account = {Account.birthDate = "11/30/1999"; lastName = "lastname"; firstName = "firstname"; chartNumber = 1776; doNotSee = false; mi ="i" }
            let ws =  new WorksheetHeader (account, firstEncounter, lastEncounter, Insurance)
            ws :> FrameworkElement


<UserControl x:Class="StargateIX.PrintingAndReports.WorksheetHeader"
             d:DesignHeight="70" d:DesignWidth="816">

        <!--Without the x:Key, this will style ALL the TextBlocks-->
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="12" />
        <Style x:Key="Title" TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="14" />
            <Setter Property="TextAlignment" Value="Center" />
            <Setter Property="HorizontalAlignment" Value="Center" />
            <Setter Property="VerticalAlignment" Value="Top" />
        <StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"  Margin="24,0" >
            <TextBlock  Text="address 1"  />
            <TextBlock  Text="address 2"     />
            <TextBlock  Text="address 3"  />
        <StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="24,0">
            <TextBlock  Text="Chart Number" Name="textblockChartNumber" />
            <TextBlock  Text="Bd: 4/15/1960" Name="textblockBirthDate"  />
            <StackPanel   Orientation="Horizontal">
                <!--Last Encounter Date-->
                <TextBlock Text="First Visit: " />
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding FirstEncounter}" />
            <StackPanel   Orientation="Horizontal">
                <!--Last Encounter Date-->
                <TextBlock Text="Last Visit: " />
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding LastEncounter}" />


            Style="{StaticResource Title}" Name="textblockPatientName"
            Text="Test Name" Width="332" Margin="242,0,242,0" />

        <!--Today's Date-->
        <TextBlock x:Name="textblockTodaysDate" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="368,33,0,0" Text="11/04/2015" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>

        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="16" Margin="24,48,0,0" Text="{Binding Insurance}" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="209"/>


Code Behind:

using System;
using System.Windows.Controls;

namespace StargateIX.PrintingAndReports

    public interface IAccount
        string lastName { get; }
        string firstName { get; }
        string  mi { get; }
        string birthDate { get; }
        int chartNumber { get;}
        bool doNotSee { get;}

    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for WorksheetHeader.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class WorksheetHeader : UserControl
        public WorksheetHeader(IAccount account, DateTime? firstEncounter, DateTime? lastEncounter, string insurance)
            DataContext = this;
            FirstEncounter = firstEncounter;
            LastEncounter = lastEncounter;
            Insurance = insurance;


        //    var model = new ServiceService(service);

            textblockTodaysDate.Text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
        //    textblockBirthDate.Text = $"Bd: {account.birthDate:D}";
        //    textblockChartNumber.Text = $"C#: {account.chartNumber}";
        //    textblockPatientName.Text = PatientNameService.ProperName(account);
        public DateTime? FirstEncounter { get; private set; }
        public string Insurance { get; private set; }
        public DateTime? LastEncounter { get; private set; }

#Addendum: As suggested below, I moved the definition and interface in F# to its own project, then referenced this project from the C# XAML. #附录:如下所示,我将F#中的定义和接口移到了自己的项目中,然后从C# XAML中引用了这个项目。 It now at least compiles.它现在至少可以编译了。 Here is the new definitions (in its own project):这是新的定义(在它自己的项目中):

module Contracts =

    type IAccount =
       abstract member lastName : string with get
       abstract member firstName : string with get
       abstract member mi : string with get
       abstract member birthDate: string with get
       abstract member chartNumber: int with get
       abstract member doNotSee: bool with get  

    type Account = 
            lastName: string
            firstName: string
            mi: string
            birthDate: string
            chartNumber: int
            doNotSee: bool
       interface IAccount with
                member this.birthDate with get() = this.birthDate
                member this.chartNumber with get() = this.chartNumber
                member this.doNotSee with get() = this.doNotSee
                member this.firstName with get() = this.firstName
                member this.lastName with get() = this.lastName
                member this.mi with get() = this.mi

Is there any other way, or perhaps a better way of doing this?有没有其他方法,或者可能有更好的方法来做到这一点?


If you are only exposing the interface, are not concerned about the concrete type, you can also use an object expression.如果只暴露接口,不关心具体类型,也可以使用 object 表达式。

type IAccount =
    abstract member lastName : string with get
    abstract member firstName : string with get

 let createAccount fstName lstName =
    { new IAccount with
        member _.firstName = fstName
        member _.lastName = lstName

A record implementing the interface is good as well.实现接口的记录也很好。 F# forces you to have acyclic dependencies, so plan ahead. F# 强迫你有非循环依赖,所以提前计划。

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