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如何使用 drupal 7 中的 PHP 电子表格读取 excel 文件并存储在数据库中

[英]How to use PHP spreadsheet in drupal 7 for reading excel file and storing in database

I'm new in Drupal 7, I want to use PHP Spreadsheet in my project, but how much i know that PHP spreadheet module is available in Drupal 8, and for Drupal 7 we need to use it's library, so I followed this steps for PHP spreadsheet I'm new in Drupal 7, I want to use PHP Spreadsheet in my project, but how much i know that PHP spreadheet module is available in Drupal 8, and for Drupal 7 we need to use it's library, so I followed this steps for PHP 电子表格

  1. Download the PhpSpreadsheet library and extract it inside your site's libraries folder:下载 PhpSpreadsheet 库并将其解压缩到站点的库文件夹中:
  • sites/all/libraries/PhpSpreadsheet站点/所有/库/PhpSpreadsheet
  1. Run "composer install" in folder libraries/PhpSpreadsheet to install all the dependencies在文件夹库/PhpSpreadsheet 中运行“composer install”以安装所有依赖项

so what i need to do next and how to start using it in our custom module this things I'm not getting and which steps I need to follow, Please help me in this.所以我接下来需要做什么以及如何在我们的自定义模块中开始使用它这些我没有得到的东西以及我需要遵循哪些步骤,请帮助我。

It's explained in documentation https://phpspreadsheet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ , just read it and apply.文档https://phpspreadsheet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 对此进行了解释,只需阅读并申请即可。

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