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FROM 关键字不检索远程三元组

[英]FROM keyword not retrieving remote triples

The following query works fine with Jena ARQ but in GraphDB it does not retrieve anything:以下查询适用于 Jena ARQ,但在 GraphDB 中它不检索任何内容:

FROM <http://www.bobdc.com/miscfiles/BeatlesMusicians.ttl>
WHERE { ?s ?p ?o .}

Is there something I need to configure on GraphDB to get this to work?我需要在 GraphDB 上配置什么才能使其正常工作吗?

After reviewing https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/ it looks to me like the spec is saying that treating the FROM URI as a URL and retrieving triples from that location is something that the query engine can do but is not required to do.在查看https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/之后,在我看来规范是说将 FROM URI 视为 URL 并从该位置检索三元组是查询引擎可以做的事情不需要做。

Section 13.2 says that FROM specifies an IRI, which sounds like it's talking about a named graph and not necessarily a remote dataset to retrieve (that is, treating the URI as a URL), which is what I was looking for.第 13.2 节说 FROM 指定了一个 IRI,这听起来像是在谈论一个命名图,而不一定是要检索的远程数据集(即将 URI 视为 URL),这正是我所寻找的。

Section 13.2.3 does have "FROM http://example.org/dft.ttl " in one of its examples, which looks to me like it's specifying a Turtle file on some remote server to read into the default graph, like I was trying to do.第 13.2.3 节在其中一个示例中确实有“FROM http://example.org/dft.ttl ”,在我看来,它在某个远程服务器上指定了一个 Turtle 文件以读入默认图形,就像我以前一样试图做。

Section 21 says "SPARQL queries using FROM, FROM NAMED, or GRAPH may cause the specified URI to be dereferenced," but as we see from the word "may", does not require it.第 21 节说“使用 FROM、FROM NAMED 或 GRAPH 的 SPARQL 查询可能会导致指定的 URI 被取消引用”,但正如我们从“可能”一词中看到的那样,不需要它。 (The rest of that paragraph has a little more about this.) (该段的 rest 对此有更多了解。)

I have found that the Jena tools arq and fuseki do this, but GraphDB and Blazegraph do not.我发现 Jena 工具 arq 和 fuseki 可以做到这一点,但 GraphDB 和 Blazegraph 没有。

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