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Raspberry Pi Pico - 纳秒计时器

[英]Raspberry Pi Pico - Nanosecond Timer

I'm new to Micropython and microcontrollers in general.一般来说,我是 Micropython 和微控制器的新手。 I'm trying to create a script to run on a Raspberry Pi Pico that takes two time variables time1 = utime.time_ns() and time2 = utime.time_ns() and then subtracts time2 from time1 to give me the difference between the two times with nanosecond precision.我正在尝试创建一个脚本以在 Raspberry Pi Pico 上运行,该脚本需要两个时间变量time1 = utime.time_ns()time2 = utime.time_ns() ,然后从 time1 中减去 time2 以获得两个时间之间的差异具有纳秒精度。 When attempting to do this it prints out the value in nanoseconds rounded up to the second... for example, If there is 5 seconds between the two times the value returned is 5000000000... Is there a way that I can get a more accurate time?尝试执行此操作时,它会打印出以纳秒为单位的值,四舍五入到秒...例如,如果两次之间有 5 秒,则返回的值为 5000000000 ... 有没有办法让我获得更多准确的时间? Am I going about this the wrong way?我会以错误的方式解决这个问题吗? Thank you!!!谢谢!!!

The MicroPython utime page explains how there is a difference between absolute time from time_ns() and relative time from ticks_us() . MicroPython utime页面解释了 time_ns() 的绝对时间和ticks_us() time_ns()的相对时间之间的差异。 They are best used for different purposes, and probably use different resources.它们最好用于不同的目的,并且可能使用不同的资源。 From the examples there, you could try something like从那里的示例中,您可以尝试类似

start = time.ticks_us()
end = time.ticks_us()
usecs = time.ticks_diff(end, start)

As the page explains, this cannot be used to measure long times, such as more than 1 or 2 seconds, depending on implementation, and the resolution will not be nanoseconds, but at best microseconds.正如页面所解释的,这不能用于测量长时间,例如超过 1 或 2 秒,具体取决于实现,并且分辨率不会是纳秒,但最好是微秒。

The processor crystal is not going to be accurate enough to get nanosecond precision.处理器晶体的精度不足以获得纳秒级精度。 You would have to replace it with a TCXO/OCXO crystal to get microsecond precision.您必须用 TCXO/OCXO 晶体替换它才能获得微秒级精度。 Another problem is crystal drift with temperatures.另一个问题是晶体随温度漂移。 The OCXO is a heated crystal. OCXO 是一种加热晶体。 A TCXO is a temperature compensated crystal. TCXO 是一种温度补偿晶体。 As long as the temperature change a small a TCXO will likely get you in the microsecond ballpark.只要温度变化很小,TCXO 就可能让您进入微秒级的球场。 Then comes the firmware issues.然后是固件问题。 Python is too slow for precise timing. Python 对于精确计时来说太慢了。 you would have to pick a compiled language to minimize the jitter issues.您必须选择一种编译语言来最大限度地减少抖动问题。 I hope this helped.我希望这会有所帮助。

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