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如何使用 Java 中的 if 语句检查字符串是否为空或 null?

[英]How do I check a string is empty or null using if statement in Java?

I need to get the enum itself first by using RegoDocumentType.getByValue(createOrderRequest.getIdDocument().getIdType())我需要首先使用RegoDocumentType.getByValue(createOrderRequest.getIdDocument().getIdType())获取枚举本身

Then check for null value, if it is not null, it will return the enum value.然后检查 null 的值,如果不是 null,则返回枚举值。 Else, it will return the createOrderRequest.getIdDocument().getIdType() as default.否则,它将默认返回createOrderRequest.getIdDocument().getIdType()

So how do I refactor the code to only use one if statement to cater for both NRIC/11B and FIN smag value to rego value using RegoDocumentType enum?那么,如何使用 RegoDocumentType 枚举重构代码以仅使用一个 if 语句来满足 NRIC/11B 和 FIN smag 值到 rego 值?

Here's my enum:这是我的枚举:

public enum RegoDocumentType {
    NRIC_11B("NRIC/11B", IdentityType.NRIC.toValue()),
    FIN("Employment Pass", IdentityType.EM_PASS.toValue()),
    private static final Map<String, RegoDocumentType> BY_SMAG_VALUE = new HashMap<>();
    static {
        for (RegoDocumentType identityType : values()) {
            BY_SMAG_VALUE.put(identityType.getSmagValue().toLowerCase(), identityType);
    private final String smagValue;
    private final String regoValue;
    RegoDocumentType(String smagValue, String regoValue) {
        this.smagValue = smagValue;
        this.regoValue = regoValue;
    public String getSmagValue() {
        return smagValue;
    public String getRegoValue() {
        return regoValue;
    public static RegoDocumentType getBySmagValue(String smagValue)
    { return BY_SMAG_VALUE.get(smagValue.toLowerCase()); }
    String something = "";
    if(something == null || something.isEmpty()) {
        // return A
    } else {
        // return B


    String something = "";
    return something == null || something.isEmpty() ? [value A] : [value B];

createOrderRequest.getIdDocument().getIdType() seems to be a String in you case. createOrderRequest.getIdDocument().getIdType()在你的情况下似乎是一个字符串。 You cannot return a string from getBySmagValue .您不能从getBySmagValue返回字符串。 Consider returning null or throwing an exception instead:考虑返回 null 或抛出异常:

public static RegoDocumentType getBySmagValue(String smagValue) { 
    if (smagValue == null) reutrn null;
    return BY_SMAG_VALUE.get(smagValue.toLowerCase()); 


public static RegoDocumentType getBySmagValue(String smagValue) { 
    if (smagValue == null) throw new IllegalStateException();
    return BY_SMAG_VALUE.get(smagValue.toLowerCase()); 

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