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如何在 zxing.net 的二维码下方添加文字

[英]How can I add text below a QR code in zxing.net

So I followed the instructions on the page https://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_asp/dynamically-generating-qr-codes-in-c.html所以我按照页面上的说明进行操作https://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net_asp/dynamically-generating-qr-codes-in-c.html

and all works 100%并且所有工作100%

Just wondering if there is a way to save the text of the QRcode below the barcode on the image.只是想知道是否有办法将二维码的文本保存在图像上的条形码下方。

ZXing.Net doesn't write the content below a QR code.中兴网不会在二维码下面写内容。 You have to do it yourself, fe use an image manipulation library or perhaps the builtin Bitmap class of the.Net framework if possible, resize the image to get some free area below the code and write the content to that area.你必须自己做,fe使用图像处理库或者可能是.Net框架的内置Bitmap class,如果可能的话,调整图像大小以获得代码下方的一些空闲区域并将内容写入该区域。

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