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在 GitLab CI 中使用“driverTarget”运行空手道 UI 测试

[英]Running Karate UI tests with “driverTarget” in GitLab CI

Question was: I would like to run Karate UI tests using the driverTarget options to test my Java Play app which is running locally during the same job with sbt run.问题是:我想使用 driverTarget 选项运行空手道 UI 测试,以测试我的 Java Play 应用程序,该应用程序在与 sbt 运行相同的作业期间在本地运行。

I have a simple assertion to check for a property but whenever the tests runs I keep getting "description":"TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of null This is my karate-config.js:我有一个简单的断言来检查属性,但是每当测试运行时,我都会不断收到“描述”:“TypeError:无法读取 null 的属性 'getAttribute' 这是我的 karate-config.js:

if (env === 'ci') {
karate.log('using environment:', env);
        docker: 'justinribeiro/chrome-headless',
        showDriverLog: true

This is my test scenario:这是我的测试场景:

Scenario: test 1: some test Given driver 'http://localhost:9000'场景:测试 1:一些测试给定驱动程序 'http://localhost:9000'

  • waitUntil("document.readyState == 'complete'") waitUntil("document.readyState == '完成'")
  • match attribute('some selector', 'some attribute') == 'something' My guess is that because justinribeiro/chrome-headless is running in its own container, localhost:9000 is different in the container compared to what's running outside of it. match attribute('some selector', 'some attribute') == 'something' 我的猜测是因为 justinribeiro/chrome-headless 在它自己的容器中运行,与在它外部运行的相比,容器中的 localhost:9000 是不同的.

Is there any workaround for this?有什么解决方法吗? thanks谢谢

A docker container cannot talk to localhost port as per what was posted: "My guess is that because justinribeiro/chrome-headless is running in its own container, localhost:9000 is different in the container compared to what's running outside of it."根据发布的内容,docker 容器无法与 localhost 端口通信:“我的猜测是,由于 justinribeiro/chrome-headless 在其自己的容器中运行,因此容器中的 localhost:9000 与在其外部运行的内容不同。”

To get around this and have docker container communicate with running app on localhost port use command host.docker.internal为了解决这个问题并让 docker 容器与 localhost 端口上正在运行的应用程序通信,请使用命令host.docker.internal

Change to make:更改为:
From: Given driver 'http://localhost:9000' .来自:给定驱动程序 'http://localhost:9000'
To: Given driver 'http://host.docker.internal:9000'致:给定驱动程序'http://host.docker.internal:9000'

Additionally, I was able to use the ptrthomas/karate-chrome image in CI (GITLAB) by inserting the following inside my gitlab-ci.yml file此外,通过在我的 gitlab-ci.yml 文件中插入以下内容,我能够在 CI (GITLAB) 中使用 ptrthomas/karate-chrome 图像

    - uiTest

    stage: uiTest
    image: docker:latest
        - .m2/repository/
      - docker:dind
      - docker run --name karate --rm --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -v "$PWD":/karate -v 
"$HOME"/.m2:/root/.m2 ptrthomas/karate-chrome &
      - sleep 45
      - docker exec -w /karate karate mvn test -DargLine='-Dkarate.env=docker' Dtest=testParallel
    allow_failure: true
        - reports
        - ${CLOUD_APP_NAME}.log

my karate-config.js file looks like
    if (karate.env == 'docker') {
        karate.configure('driver', {
            type: 'chrome',
            showDriverLog: true,
            start: false,
            beforeStart: 'supervisorctl start ffmpeg',
            afterStop: 'supervisorctl stop ffmpeg',
            videoFile: '/tmp/karate.mp4'

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