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如何 map 列表<string>其中每个字符串都是逗号分隔的字符串到 List<string> 以逗号分隔加入?</string></string>

[英]How to map List<String> where each string is a comma separated strings to List<String> split on commas joined?

tags -- ["tag1", "tag2, tag3"]标签 -- ["tag1", "tag2, tag3"]

expected output -- ["tag1","tag2","tag3"]预期 output -- ["tag1","tag2","tag3"]

Current code:当前代码:

List<String> tagsProcessed = new ArrayList<>();
for(String t : tags) {

How to rewrite it with streams?如何用流重写它?

one solution of many:许多解决方案之一:

var delimiter = Pattern.compile(",");

or, avoiding (hiding!) the trim call (but without removing white spaces at start and end of input strings):或者,避免(隐藏!) trim调用(但不删除输入字符串开头和结尾的空格):

var delimiter = Pattern.compile("\\s*,\\s*");

I prefer first one, clearly showing the call to trim我更喜欢第一个,清楚地显示trim的调用

all the above can also be changed to (directly) use the result of Collectors.toList() , but beware of kind of returned List .以上所有内容也可以更改为(直接)使用Collectors.toList()的结果,但要注意返回的List类型。 From documentation:从文档:

There are no guarantees on the type, mutability, serializability, or thread-safety of the List returned;不保证返回的 List 的类型、可变性、可序列化性或线程安全性; if more control over the returned List is required, use toCollection(Supplier).如果需要对返回的列表进行更多控制,请使用 toCollection(Supplier)。

Using it with addAll is not a problem (but similar to using forEach as in above code);将它与addAll一起使用不是问题(但类似于在上面的代码中使用forEach ); also not a problem if the returned list is not being changed.如果返回的列表没有被更改,也不是问题。

Use flatMap , which can map one element to any number of elements, represented as a stream.使用flatMap ,它可以 map 一个元素到任意数量的元素,表示为 stream。 In this case, we map each tag to the array of tags produced by split .在这种情况下,我们将 map 每个标签分配到split生成的标签数组中。

List<String> tagsProcessed = tags.stream()
    .flatMap(tag -> Arrays.stream(tag.split(", ")))

You can also use:您还可以使用:

List<String> tagsProcessed = tags.stream()
        .map(s -> s.trim().split(",\\s*"))
List<String> tags = Arrays.asList("1 ,2   ,3 ,4  ", "5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ", "  9,  10");
List<String> tagsProcessed =
    tags.stream() //Stream the list of String as is
        .flatMap(tag -> Arrays.stream(tag.split(","))) // flatMap to avoid Stream<Stream<String>>, this produces Stream<String>
        .map(String::trim) //trim as in requirement


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