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如何获取 WinUI 3 桌面应用程序的屏幕边界?

[英]How to get screen bounds for WinUI 3 Desktop application?

I need to achieve below requirements in WinUI 3 Desktop applications.我需要在 WinUI 3 桌面应用程序中实现以下要求。

  1. How to get screen bounds?如何获得屏幕边界?
  2. How to change windows cursor type in runtime?如何在运行时更改 windows cursor 类型?

I already did this in WinUI UWP applications.我已经在 WinUI UWP 应用程序中这样做了。

For Screen bounds,对于屏幕边界,

var visibleBounds = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().VisibleBounds;
var scaleFactor = Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().RawPixelsPerViewPixel;
Size screenSize = new Size((visibleBounds.Width * scaleFactor), (visibleBounds.Height * scaleFactor));

For Cursor:对于 Cursor:

Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new CoreCursor(CoreCursorType.SizeNorthwestSoutheast, 0);

Anyone please suggest how to achieve same requirement in WinUI Desktop applications?任何人请建议如何在 WinUI 桌面应用程序中实现相同的要求?

I've added the following to App.xaml.cs:我在 App.xaml.cs 中添加了以下内容:

private static MainWindow m_window;

public static MainWindow MainWindow { get { return m_window; } }

protected override void OnLaunched(Microsoft.UI.Xaml.LaunchActivatedEventArgs e)
   m_window = new MainWindow();        

And when I need bounds anywhere, I can use MainWindow.Bounds .当我在任何地方需要边界时,我可以使用MainWindow.Bounds

Regarding cursor, you need ProtectedCursor关于 cursor,你需要ProtectedCursor

this.ProtectedCursor = InputSystemCursor.Create(InputSystemCursorShape.Arrow);

Only thing it is protected, so you need to use it from right class.只有它受到保护,所以您需要从正确的 class 使用它。

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