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从另一个 Stencil JS 库导入 Stencil JS 库

[英]Import Stencil JS library from another Stencil JS library

I have two libraries of Stencil JS web components, library-a and library-b.我有两个 Stencil JS web 组件库,library-a 和 library-b。 These are not apps, just separate npm packages of components.这些不是应用程序,只是单独的 npm 组件包。

I would like to use some of the components from library-a inside library-b.我想在 library-b 中使用 library-a 中的一些组件。 How do I import components from A into B?如何将组件从 A 导入 B?

The StencilJS docs offer some import instructions but don't cover this particular use case. StencilJS 文档提供了一些导入说明,但未涵盖此特定用例。

Basically all you have to do is npm install (or npm link ) the project and import it.基本上你所要做的就是npm install (或npm link )项目并导入它。

As far as I know there are two places you can include the import:据我所知,有两个地方可以包含导入:

  1. Inside a global app.ts which is configured as a globalScript in stencil.config.ts .在全局app.ts中,它在stencil.config.ts globalScript
  2. Inside the root component.在根组件内部。

In your case the second option probably won't work since component libraries usually don't have a root component.在您的情况下,第二个选项可能不起作用,因为组件库通常没有根组件。

Import inside app.ts :app.ts导入

First, create a global script and configure it in your stencil.config.ts :首先,创建一个全局脚本并在你的stencil.config.ts中配置它:

export const config: Config = {
  // ...
  globalScript: 'src/global/app.ts',

Then add the import inside that file.然后在该文件中添加导入。 Example for Ionic Framework:离子框架的例子:

import '@ionic/core';

Now you can use the components just like any other HTML element.现在您可以像使用任何其他 HTML 元素一样使用这些组件。

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