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过滤 laravel 中的搜索结果

[英]Filtering search results in laravel

A user can subscribe to a package and the package can have many videos.用户可以订阅 package 和 package 可以有很多视频。

All paid videos are not visible unless the user subscribes to a package.除非用户订阅 package,否则所有付费视频均不可见。

Please Note: The free videos are visible without subscription.请注意:免费视频无需订阅即可观看。

My problem is that when I want to apply search queries the user can view all the videos, which I don't want, I want the user to view only the videos he subscribed for.我的问题是,当我想应用搜索查询时,用户可以查看我不想要的所有视频,我希望用户只查看他订阅的视频。

Here is my code lines:这是我的代码行:


public function index(Request $request)
  $keyword = $request->get('search');
  $perPage = 10;

  if (!empty($keyword)) {
    $videos = Video::where('video_title', 'LIKE', "%$keyword%")
        ->orWhere('video_file', 'LIKE', "%$keyword%")
  } else {
    $videos = Video::where('video_type', '=', 'Free')->latest()->paginate($perPage);

  return view('video.index', compact('videos'));


@foreach (auth()->user()->subscriptions as $subscription)
@foreach ($subscription->packages as $package)
        {{ $package->package_name }}
    @foreach ($package->videos as $video)
        <a href="{{ url('/video/' . $video->id) }}">
            {{ $video->video_title }} (Click to view)
@foreach ($videos as $item)
<a href="{{ url('/video/' . $item->id) }}">
    {{ $item->video_title }} (Click to view)
<div> {!! $videos->appends(['search' => Request::get('search')])->render() !!} </div>

Subscription.php model订阅。php model

  public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

  public function packages()
    return $this->hasMany(Package::class);

User.php model用户.php model

public function subscriptions()
  return $this->hasMany(Subscription::class);

Package.php model Package.php model

public function subscription()
    return $this->belongsTo(Subscription::class);
public function videos()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Video::class);

Video.php model视频.php model

public function packages()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Package::class);

So instead of checking for only keyword, you will have to add another clause that checks for subscription of the current user.因此,您必须添加另一个子句来检查当前用户的订阅,而不是只检查关键字。

$videos = Video::whereHas('packages.subscription', function($query) {
        $query->where('subscription.user_id', auth()->id());
    ->where(function($query) use ($keyword) {
        $query->where('video_title', 'LIKE', "%$keyword%")
            ->orWhere('video_file', 'LIKE', "%$keyword%");

whereHas will check whether video has a subscription and subscription's user_id is the same as current user id ( auth()->id() ). whereHas将检查视频是否有订阅,并且订阅的 user_id 与当前用户 id ( auth()->id() ) 相同。

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