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[英]How to make gradual blur in react native?

Should get a gradient bluer like the design, but I can't do it, any ideas?应该得到一个像设计一样的渐变蓝色,但我做不到,有什么想法吗?

what it should look like它应该是什么样子

This is how my code look这就是我的代码的样子

    source={{uri: uri}} 
        style={{width: width * 0.78}}
        <Text style={styles.date}>{date}</Text>
        <Text style={styles.title}>{title}</Text>

I try to use BlurView component, but it doesn't work the way it's supposed to.我尝试使用 BlurView 组件,但它没有按预期的方式工作。

Try with position: 'absolute'尝试使用 position: 'absolute'

 <> <Image source={{uri: uri}} style={styles.imageStyleBackground} /> <BlurView style={{width: width * 0.78, position: 'absolute'}}> <Text style={styles.date}>{date}</Text> <Text style={styles.title}>{title}</Text> </BlurView> </>

You could add an element on top of the image with backdrop-filter:blur(5px) that is masked with a gradient (eg. mask linear-gradient(black, black, transparent) )您可以使用backdrop-filter:blur(5px)使用渐变遮罩(例如 mask linear-gradient(black, black, transparent)


See https://codepen.io/QuiteQuinn/pen/jOBxGjr .请参阅https://codepen.io/QuiteQuinn/pen/jOBxGjr

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