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[英]Combining two lists into dictionary

I'm having issues trying to combine two lists that I have, Username and Account into a dictionary(username being the key and account being the value).我在尝试将我拥有的两个列表(用户名和帐户)合并到字典中时遇到问题(用户名是键,帐户是值)。 My issue is I want any value with the same key to be added together(ie the Brandon would only show up once with a value of 115.5).我的问题是我希望将任何具有相同键的值加在一起(即布兰登只会出现一次,值为 115.5)。 I would also like to skip the key/value pair for any blank or non-number values.我还想跳过任何空白或非数字值的键/值对。 Any help would be appreciated.任何帮助,将不胜感激。

username = ['Brandon', 'Patrick', 'Brandon', 'Jack', '', 'Sarah', 'Jack', 'Brandon', 'James', 'James', 'Sarah', '', 'Brandon']
account = ['5', '18.9', 'xyz', '', '', '825', '45', '10', '3.25', '125.62', '2.43', '', '100.5']

You can zip together corresponding elements.您可以将 zip 放在一起对应的元素。 Skip invalid values by catching errors on conversion to float, and use the falsiness of empty strings to skip empty keys通过捕获转换为浮点数时的错误来跳过无效值,并利用空字符串的虚假性来跳过空键

names = {}

for k, v in zip(username, account):
    # check for empty keys
    if not k:

    # an error on float conversion is due to a non
    # numeric string (float or int)
        v = float(v)
    # if the key is not in names, then .get will return
    # 0, otherwise the last value set
    names[k] = names.get(k, 0) + v

{'Brandon': 115.5, 'Patrick': 18.9, 'Sarah': 827.43, 'Jack': 45.0, 'James': 128.87}

How about this?这个怎么样?

The more advanced things you may want to look up are: defaultdict and zip您可能想要查找的更高级的内容是:defaultdict 和 zip

from collections import defaultdict

username = ['Brandon', 'Patrick', 'Brandon', 'Jack', '', 'Sarah', 'Jack', 'Brandon', 'James', 'James', 'Sarah', '', 'Brandon']
account = ['5', '18.9', 'xyz', '', '', '825', '45', '10', '3.25', '125.62', '2.43', '', '100.5']

result = defaultdict(list)
for u, a in zip(username, account):
    if a != '':

You can use zip .您可以使用zip all with check the conditions if not '' and value is not numeric .如果not ''并且value is not numeric ,则all检查条件。

from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(float)
for i in zip(username, account):
    if all([*i, i[1].replace('.','').isdigit()]):
        d[i[0]] += float(i[1]) 
{'Brandon': 115.5,
             'Patrick': 18.9,
             'Sarah': 827.43,
             'Jack': 45.0,
             'James': 128.87}
from collections import defaultdict def isfloat(value): try: float(value) return True except ValueError: return False username = ['Brandon', 'Patrick', 'Brandon', 'Jack', '', 'Sarah', 'Jack', 'Brandon', 'James', 'James', 'Sarah', '', 'Brandon'] account = ['5', '18.9', 'xyz', '', '', '825', '45', '10', '3.25', '125.62', '2.43', '', '100.5'] result = {} for u, a in zip(username, account): if isfloat(a): if u not in result.keys(): result[u] = float(a) else: result[u] += float(a)

This will help, try part will automatically skip any non-digit values这会有所帮助,尝试部分会自动跳过任何非数字值

username = ['Brandon', 'Patrick', 'Brandon', 'Jack', '', 'Sarah', 'Jack', 'Brandon', 'James', 'James', 'Sarah', '', 'Brandon']
account = ['5', '18.9', 'xyz', '', '', '825', '45', '10', '3.25', '125.62', '2.43', '', '100.5']

new_dict = {}
for key, value in zip(username, account):
        new_dict[key]=new_dict.get(key, 0.0) + float(value)


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