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将基于 Java Swing ANT 的应用程序迁移到 GCP

[英]Migrate Java Swing ANT based application to GCP

We have a ANT based Java Swing application which currently get deployed on Solaris.我们有一个基于 ANT 的 Java Swing 应用程序,目前已部署在 Solaris 上。 We build.deb file for download and piggyback on on-premise server to download for user.我们构建.deb 文件以供下载并搭载在本地服务器上以供用户下载。 Now, as we are moving to GCP, I am doing research to make it as smooth as possible.现在,当我们转向 GCP 时,我正在进行研究以使其尽可能顺利。 I have following concern in this regard:我对此有以下担忧:

  1. Kubernetes runs containers so we need to deploy container images, so do I have to build a container image as one of the build or can I store.deb build some where on GCP volume to download? Kubernetes 运行容器,因此我们需要部署容器映像,所以我必须构建容器映像作为构建之一,还是我可以 store.deb 构建 GCP 卷上的某个位置以下载?
  2. If build process need to be change, how to approach containerization of ANT based Java Swing project?如果需要更改构建过程,如何处理基于 ANT 的 Java Swing 项目的容器化?

The basic deployable unit in Kubernetes is a Pod . Kubernetes 中的基本可部署单元是Pod If you want to create Pod / Deployment resources, you need to specify container image you want to run and there is no way to use .deb package instead.如果要创建Pod / Deployment资源,则需要指定要运行的容器映像,并且无法使用.deb package 代替。

You can use already existing Apache Ant image eg webratio/ant as your base container image or create new one by defining a Dockerfile .您可以使用已经存在的Apache Ant镜像(例如webratio/ant )作为基础容器镜像,或者通过定义Dockerfile来创建新镜像。 For more information on creating and deploying containerized applications, see this tutorial .有关创建和部署容器化应用程序的更多信息,请参阅本教程

Of course you don't have to manually build container images every time, you may use CI/CD software such asCloud Build or GitLab CI/CD to build an image and even deploy resources on Kubernetes cluster.当然不必每次都手动构建容器镜像,可以使用Cloud BuildGitLab CI/CD等 CI/CD 软件构建镜像,甚至在 Kubernetes 集群上部署资源。

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