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为什么这段 JS 代码不能在旧设备上运行?

[英]Why doesn't this JS code run on older devices?

I'm trying to build a simple MagicMirror in-browser weather app based on openweathermap API.我正在尝试基于 openweathermap API 构建一个简单的 MagicMirror 浏览器内天气应用程序。

Knowing very little about coding, it proves a bit hard.对编码知之甚少,事实证明这有点困难。 I have this code, that someone corrected for me, but it won't run on older devices.我有这个代码,有人为我纠正了,但它不会在旧设备上运行。 Here's the sandbox link . 这是沙盒链接

class Weather {
    constructor(data) {
      this.data = data;
      this.temp = Math.round(data.main.temp);
      this.feels_like = Math.round(data.main.feels_like);
      this.description = data.weather[0].description;
      this.city = data.name;
      this.country = data.sys.country;
      this.wind = Math.round(data.wind.speed);
      this.humidity = data.main.humidity;
    geticonClass() {
      let prefix = this.data.weather[0].icon.endsWith("d")
        ? 'wi-owm-day-'
        : 'wi-owm-night-';
      return `${prefix}${this.data.weather[0].id}`;
  function fetchWeather() {
      async (position) => {
        let url = new URL("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather");
        url.searchParams.set("lat", position.coords.latitude);
        url.searchParams.set("lon", position.coords.longitude);
        url.searchParams.set("lang", "pl");
        url.searchParams.set("appid", "fb7164d50e0faf1f058561b7903f03b9");
        url.searchParams.set("units", "metric");
        const response = await fetch(url);
        const weatherJSON = await response.json();
        updateDOM(new Weather(weatherJSON));
      (error) => {
        console.error("Unable to get geolocation, Unsuported maybe?");
  function updateDOM(weather) {
    const iconElement = document.querySelector(".today-weather-icon i");
    const tempElement = document.querySelector(".temperature-value p");
    const tempFeelElement = document.querySelector(".temperature-feel p");
    const descElement = document.querySelector(".temperature-description p");
    const locationElement = document.querySelector(".location p");
    const windElement = document.querySelector(".wind p");
    const humidElement = document.querySelector(".humid p");

    tempElement.innerHTML = `${weather.temp}°<span>C</span>`;
    tempFeelElement.innerHTML = `Odczuwalna: ${weather.feels_like}°<span>C</span>`;
    descElement.innerHTML = weather.description;
    locationElement.innerHTML = `${weather.city}, ${weather.country}`;
    windElement.innerHTML = ` ${weather.wind} km/h`;
    humidElement.innerHTML = ` ${weather.humidity}`;
  setInterval(fetchWeather, 1800000);
  setInterval(updateDOM, 1820000);

Here's a previous version of the code with navigator.geolocation that worked.这是具有 navigator.geolocation 的以前版本的代码,它可以工作。

You are using modern ES6 syntax for example class Weather that's why.您正在使用现代 ES6 语法,例如class Weather这就是原因。 If you want to learn more about how you can convert it to pre ES6 syntax so it works on older devices too check this article ES6 Class vs Object.prototyoe `如果您想了解更多关于如何将其转换为 ES6 之前的语法以便它也适用于旧设备的信息,请查看这篇文章ES6 Class 与 Object.prototyoe `

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