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Github 操作:寻找对拉取请求事件和工作流调度事件均可见的分支级别属性

[英]Github actions: Seeking a branch level property that is visible to both pull request events and workflow dispatch events

I'm looking for a configurable property in github, like a tag or a label, that meets the following requirements:我正在 github 中寻找一个可配置的属性,如标签或 label,它满足以下要求:

  1. Is associated with a specific branch but across all commits (this eliminates tags)与特定分支相关联,但跨所有提交(这消除了标签)
  2. Is visible to both pull request and workflow dispatch events (I believe this eliminates labels)对拉取请求和工作流调度事件都是可见的(我相信这消除了标签)

The use case is that for a particular branch for which a pull request has been generated, I would like a github action to be able to determine if a heroku deployment has already been done.用例是对于已生成拉取请求的特定分支,我希望 github 操作能够确定 heroku 部署是否已经完成。 I was thinking of attaching a label after a deployment has been completed, but as stated above, there doesn't seem to be a way for a workflow dispatch event to access properties associated with a pull request (unless I'm missing something).我正在考虑在部署完成后附加一个 label,但如上所述,工作流调度事件似乎没有办法访问与拉取请求相关的属性(除非我遗漏了什么)。

I suppose one option that always exists is to set up some type of datastore outside of github where we would maintain the deployment status, but I was hoping to avoid the extra maintenance effort.我想一直存在的一个选项是在 github 之外设置某种类型的数据存储,我们将在其中维护部署状态,但我希望避免额外的维护工作。

After further investigation, I couldn't find a construct that matched the requirements so we ended up setting up the external data store.经过进一步调查,我找不到符合要求的构造,因此我们最终设置了外部数据存储。

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