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vertx junit 配置面临问题,vertx.deployVerticle 中的错误,如何在部署测试中设置 spring verticalfactory

[英]Facing issue with vertx junit configuratoin , error in vertx.deployVerticle , How to setup spring verticalfactory in deployment test

I want to test particular REST APIs written in vertx with spring boot.我想用 spring 引导测试用 vertx 编写的特定 REST API。

below is test class下面是测试 class

public class sampleTest {
    private Vertx vertx;
    private Integer port;

    public void setUp(TestContext context) throws IOException {
        vertx = Vertx.vertx();

        ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(0);
        port = socket.getLocalPort();

        DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions()
                .setConfig(new JsonObject().put("http.port", port)
        vertx.deployVerticle(sampleVerticle.class.getName(), options, context.asyncAssertSuccess());

    public void tearDown(TestContext context) {

    public void givenId_whenReceivedArticle_thenSuccess(TestContext testContext) {
        final Async async = testContext.async();

                .getNow(port, "localhost", "/tracking/id/12345/12345/12345", response -> {
                    response.handler(responseBody -> {
                                .contains("\"articalId\" : \"12345\""));
                                .contains("\"pageId\" : \"12345\""));
                                .contains("\"eventId\" : \"12345\""));


here im just checking url parameter.这里我只是检查 url 参数。 Now when i run above test class it throws error现在,当我在测试 class 上面运行时,它会抛出错误

java.lang.InstantiationException: com.articals.sampleVerticle java.lang.InstantiationException: com.articals.sampleVerticle

Below is sampleVerticle class where multiple routers are handled,下面是处理多个路由器的 sampleVerticle class,

class sampleVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {

    private final Router router
    private final ArticalHandler articalHandler
    private final FailureHandler failureHandler
    private final MetricsHandler metricsHandler

            Router router,
            ArticalHandler articalHandler,
            FailureHandler failureHandler,
            MetricsHandler metricsHandler
        this.articalHandler= articalHandler
        this.router = router
        this.failureHandler = failureHandler
        this.metricsHandler = metricsHandler

    void start() throws Exception {




If i include default constructor then i error如果我包含默认构造函数,那么我会出错

Cannot invoke method get() on null object无法在 null object 上调用方法 get()

I am following this example for unit testing https://www.baeldung.com/vertx我正在按照此示例进行单元测试https://www.baeldung.com/vertx

Please help me with above issue.请帮我解决上述问题。

Thanks & Regards感谢和问候

When you call vertx.deploy providing a class name, Vert.x expects the verticle class to have a no-arg constructor.当您调用vertx.deploy提供 class 名称时,Vert.x 期望垂直 class 具有无参数构造函数。

This is why the test fails with InstantiationException .这就是测试因InstantiationException而失败的原因。

There is a vertx.deploy overload that takes a verticle object instance.有一个vertx.deploy重载,它采用一个 verticle object 实例。 You should create your instance first and then use this method:您应该先创建实例,然后使用此方法:

sampleVerticle verticle = new sampleVerticle(router, handler1, ...)
vertx.deploy(verticle, options, context.asyncAssertSuccess());

To create the required router and handlers, you can either mock them (eg with Mockito) or start an embedded Spring application context.要创建所需的路由器和处理程序,您可以模拟它们(例如使用 Mockito)或启动嵌入式 Spring 应用程序上下文。

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