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试图在 NLua 中覆盖 .NET function 会返回错误“Foo”不是 .net 字段或属性

[英]attempting to ovveride a .NET function in NLua returns the error '“Foo” is not a .net field or property'

attempting to override a .NET function returns the error '"Foo" is not a .net field or property'试图覆盖 .NET function 返回错误“Foo”不是 .net 字段或属性

C# Code: C# 代码:

public class A
    public virtual void Foo(){}

Lua: Lua:

a = A()
function a:Foo()

attempting to override a .NET function returns the error '"Foo" is not a .net field or property'试图覆盖 .NET function 返回错误“Foo”不是 .net 字段或属性

C# Code: C# 代码:

public class A
    public virtual void Foo(){}

Lua: Lua:

a = A()
function a:Foo()

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