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Want to call an api to get the data from mongodb in json format but getting in raw format, using javascript, node.js, express, mongodb

[英]Want to call an api to get the data from mongodb in json format but getting in raw format, using javascript, node.js, express, mongodb

This is how I'm connecting to the database:这就是我连接到数据库的方式:

> //Connecting Mongodb using mongoclient
> const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient
> const url = 'url is used'
> const dbName = 'virtualcso'
> let db
> // Conforming the database is connected
> MongoClient.connect(url, { useNewUrlParser: true }, (err, client) => {
>   if (err) return console.log(err)
>   // Storing a reference to the database so you can use it later
>   db = client.db(dbName)
>   console.log(`Connected MongoDB: ${url}`)
>   console.log(`Database: ${dbName}`) })

and this is the api calling这是 api 调用

> // api to fetch the data from the Mongodb
>   app.get('/fetch', function (req, res) {
>     // getting all the data
>     db.collection('sectester_zap')
>       .find()
>       .toArray(function (err, items) {
>         res.json(items);
>       })   })

and this is how I'm getting the result **这就是我得到结果的方式**

[{"_id":"600bc689bee1c602a89713d1","@version":"2.10.0","@generated":"Wed, 13 Jan 2021 20:21:56","site":[{"@name":"http://demo.testfire.net","@host":"demo.testfire.net","@port":"80","@ssl":"false","alerts":[{"pluginid":"10021","alertRef":"10021","alert":"X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing","name":"X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing","riskcode":"1","confidence":"2","riskdesc":"Low (Medium)","desc":" [{"_id":"600bc689bee1c602a89713d1","@version":"2.10.0","@generated":"2021 年 1 月 13 日星期三 20:21:56","site":[{"@name": "http://demo.testfire.net","@host":"demo.testfire.net","@port":"80","@ssl":"false","alerts":[{" pluginid":"10021","alertRef":"10021","alert":"X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing","name":"X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing","riskcode" :"1","信心":"2","riskdesc":"低(中)","desc":"

The Anti-MIME-Sniffing header X-Content-Type-Options was not set to 'nosniff'.防 MIME 嗅探 header X-Content-Type-Options 未设置为“nosniff”。 This allows older versions of Internet Explorer and Chrome to perform MIME-sniffing on the response body, potentially causing the response body to be interpreted and displayed as a content type other than the declared content type.这允许旧版本的 Internet Explorer 和 Chrome 对响应正文执行 MIME 嗅探,可能导致响应正文被解释并显示为声明的内容类型以外的内容类型。 Current (early 2014) and legacy versions of Firefox will use the declared content type (if one is set), rather than performing MIME-sniffing.当前(2014 年初)和旧版本的 Firefox 将使用声明的内容类型(如果设置了),而不是执行 MIME 嗅探。

","instances":}}]}] ","instances":}}]}]

I need to get this data in json format *我需要以 json 格式获取此数据*

Without being well versed with MongoDB, by the looks of it you are getting the result as JSON and then you are putting it in an array.在不熟悉 MongoDB 的情况下,从外观上看,您将得到 JSON 的结果,然后将其放入数组中。

And from what I can find looking around, .find() will return a cursor to all documents in a JSON format, so consider if you actually need to use.toArray() in your solution.从我周围的情况来看, .find() 将以 JSON 格式将 cursor 返回到所有文档,因此请考虑您是否真的需要在解决方案中使用 .toArray() 。

I looked among others here: https://www.guru99.com/mongodb-query-document-using-find.html They are using in their example.forEach(printjson) to show their results.我在这里查看了其他内容: https://www.guru99.com/mongodb-query-document-using-find.html他们在 example.forEach(printjson) 中使用来显示他们的结果。

Your example adding this to test the output would look like:您添加这个来测试 output 的示例如下所示:

// api to fetch the data from the Mongodb // api 从 Mongodb 获取数据

app.get('/fetch', function (req, res) { app.get('/fetch', function (req, res) {

 // getting all the data db.collection('sectester_zap').find().forEach(printjson)

}) })

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