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C++ 对 class 使用 std::fill 并删除分配运算符

[英]C++ use std::fill for class with deleted assign operator

Suppose I have a range of objects假设我有一系列对象

class X {
        : X(0) {
    X(size_t num)
        : x_(num) {
    X(const X& other) = delete;
    X& operator=(const X& other) = delete;
    X(X&& other) {
        x_ = exchange(other.x_, 0);
    X& operator=(X&& other) {
        x_ = exchange(other.x_, 0);
        return *this;
    size_t GetX() const {
        return x_;

    size_t x_;

With this in mind I can't use std::fill as operator= is deleted.考虑到这一点,我不能使用 std::fill 因为 operator= 被删除。 What is the right way to fill the range for this kind of object?填充这种 object 范围的正确方法是什么?

Source object of std::fill is const . std::fill的源 object 是const const object cannot be used as source of move operation. const object 不能用作移动操作的源。

You can add helper class with conversion operator to X , every time when *first = value;您可以将带有转换运算符的助手 class 添加到X ,每次*first = value; (look at possible implementation of std::fill ) is called, temporary of X is returned and move operation is performed: (查看std::fill 的可能实现)被调用,返回 X 的临时值并执行移动操作:

template<size_t N>
struct Helper {
    X MakeTemp() const { return X(N); }
    operator X () const { return MakeTemp(); }

int main(){
    std::vector<X> v;
    std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(),Helper<10>{});


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